Wild Adventure
I hope I get these tickets however it was my Mom whom wanted me to submit it for her she’s not a text person and this her favorite place she told me when she see thisCommercial on 47Station it warms her heart that life is returning back so she can go to her favorite theme park so if I don’t get the tickets look out we’re coming anyway and we love you 47 News this would be a gift for her 80 birthday
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I’ve tried other news apps they don’t even come close to the action news , Best news app for Jacksonville, it gives all the news you need and then some
Love it
Love it
Andy Rebholz
Straight forward without biased attitude.
U keep some stories up forever and stories r not accurate
Too liberal
Follows News4Jax leads
Hard to find
When I get a notification- sometimes the subject is not listed when
Persecution of my President
I’m sick of the biased reporting that I’ve been getting out a CBS channel 47. Between Gayle King in the morning and Nora O’Donald in the evening all they need is a gas can in a match because all they are is fire starters. You don’t know if I’m black or if I’m white but I am just sick to death of your station and so are a lot of my friends here in Saint Augustine. It would be nice if you didn’t make it so obvious how left you all are. I’m not the only one that’s noticing
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App features Mistepresented
Jax News said app provides crime alerts in your area. It does not. App kept closing while I tried to choose settings. The current temperature is in the 60s. App show 17 degrees. Disappointing.
News app
I watch your news regularly and enjoy doing so, but your app is a disaster! Checkout channel 4’s app; I have all three of Jax’s news apps, channel 4 is far and away the best. They keep it current, which is what your app fails to do.
Try again
Same ads over and over 45-60 secs long unskippable sometimes, crashes, ad infested, and cnn-like news sometimes