Good but needs better translation to English
A good revision tool . Some instructions (ie click on the answer you think is correct) would help. The language translation into English could be improved, although the meaning can usually be worked out..
English version is unintelligible.
The english language version of this app suffers greatly from poor and incomplete translation. Borderline unusable.
Racing rules
Unfortunately the English translation from Italian isn't very good at all. You could lose a race in translation with this one!
Quiz format translated from the Italian
This app is a quiz format with scores and points. You get a pictured situation and then decide which boat has violated a rule.
Some Chapter titles are still in the original Italian. Some of the rule interpretations seem wrong to me such as giving mark room inside the zone.
Some Chapter titles are still in the original Italian. Some of the rule interpretations seem wrong to me such as giving mark room inside the zone.
Racing Rules of Sailing
Very badly written in English, e.g., spelling errors, incomplete sentences, too many poorly written questions and explanations.