Quick Pīnyīn
Similarly to the last review, more tools are needed for making the result more useful for documents.
The app would benefit from the following to bump up its star rating. Examples readily available in web based applets :
1. Quick one button to copy the result, as selecting in the app is cumbersome. Choose to select Pīnyīn only, or also with Hànzì.
2. Set colours for the Hànzì & Pīnyīn result, which also copy across. User selectable using ‘apple crayons’ & numeric value and colour picker as options.
3. Result options to suit differing levels of learning stage : Pīnyīn characters with tones (as currently), Tones over Hànzì, Hànzì only but with above mentioned colours to represent tone.
4. Option to automatically recognise tone rules for output, and indicate when and to which Hànzì this is applied.
5. Setting for copying across text e.g. include Pīnyīn over/under/after & in brackets, etc.
6. Settings for formatting text.
7. Select male/female voice for sound output.