Your privacy policy- violates user data rights
Correct way:
• Opt-in → site offers request popup before any data collection → user selects in part of all data sharing based on purpose → user accepts or declines & continues with site / app
All off by default, except essentials for basic functionality, ≠ marketing/advertising
May violate act:
• Opt-out → request popup → user unselects each usage and legitimate interest based on purpose or vendor
→ User accepts all or some & continues with site / app
Clear violation (your way):
• Accept or leave → user must navigate to privacy page1️⃣ to know what happens with their data → user discovers usage has no opt-in (site doesn’t offer any thing on load) → to use any services (app, site) any data collection is ‘acceptable’ → (on site) company non-consensually sends trackers including a profiling tracker
→ user leaves/discontinues with tracker
→ user stays & further data breaches likely
1️⃣ App Store has direct link, otherwise there’s no non-English link on its nav bar yet the content is only in English