User Reviews: Wolfram Statistics Course Assistant

Top reviews

  • Disappointed

    This app doesn't present any dynamic functions of the topics shown on the example screen. Very limited and useless for the advanced statistics student. I expect a much better tool from Wolfram. This is a waste of money.
  • Awesome App!

    This is one of the best statistic apps I found for college statistics. It's perfect!
  • Wasted my money

    This is a great tool for learning the very basics of statistics but no value for the price of the App. Much of what they have is basic info you can get for free using Google!

    Will not do custom probabilities, permutations, and many other things that you will need for Statistics 101 or Stats for Business so buyer beware!
  • Poor Performance!

    Despite the claims, this app will time out when provided with a relatively short data list for computation.
    I am very surprised at the poor performance of this product given its pedigree.
  • Eh?

    On the number randomizer you need to have an option to not have repeating numbers
  • just awful

    Like most Wolfram products this app is very pretty but totally useless. It doesn't even work if you aren't online. This is just a thin interface to their Alpha site. Need to calculate a few random integers? Want to plot a few points on a bar graph or histogram? Need to find the standard deviation or variance of a few numbers? Do you want to know the average of some numbers? Do you want to generate a random number? This app will do all that after it submits your request online followed by a long delay before giving you an answer that you could have just as easily and more quickly computed with a pencil and paper. Sometimes It would time-out just waiting for the average of a numbers.

    If you need assistance in your statistics course to calculate the average of some numbers or to plot a few points as a bar chart then you you need a lot more help than this app can offer. Do you really need a $5 stats assistant to calculate the standard deviation of a handful of numbers? Sadly, you would still be disappointed with this assistant.

    This app won't teach you statistics. This isn't a statistics reference that you can use to review topics. This won't help you understand statistical methods. This isn't a stats oriented calculator that you can use to crunch numbers... I don't know what this is good for.

    Wolfram is turning into a huge disappointment with these apps that just repackage the web interface to their Alpha engine. If you want to be disappointed in AI then just go to their web site to use their Alpha engine. It's free and just as useless. If they are trying to build familiarity and loyalty for their tools then they aren't going to achieve that by charging $5 for the same tool under different names.
  • Some good stuff

    Needs more distributions. Only 1 form of Gamma distribution.
  • Meh

    All of these things are pretty much accessible via the standard wolfram alpha app and web interface - an undoubtedly amazing resource.

    Necessary updates before this app is the slightest bit useful:

    -numpad input with large numbers
    -save data sets
  • Terrible app

    This app is a ***terrible*** tool for a statistics class. The interface is not user friendly and it is painfully difficult to input data. There is also no way to compare across data sets once each set is entered - you have to start all over again. Most of the tools such as those for probability and data relationships, will never be of use to a real student in a class...the tools that we actually need, like for ANOVA, are not included.

    Save your money and do NOT purchase this app.
  • Blackdroid97

    Waste of 2 bucks wasn't what i thought

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