myENV User Reviews

National Environment Agency

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  • Me

    Szoobzali salah and everything in between
  • Poor GUI

    Tapping the icons do not work, the iPad app chiron obscures the map, the map frequently zooms to an unrelated location (like Africa) for no reason, every update seems to worsen the app, the list goes on…

    ENV should just invest a little in a quality app. No point spending so much on weather sensors and metrics when the end user interface doesn’t deliver.
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  • Where’s is UV Index ?

    Everybody knows El Niño is coming and suddenly the updated app make UV Index disappear. You make changes to the app and complicate matters with poor UI. Please add instructions on where relevant information can be found.
  • Where is all the info?

    As many have said, this app is such a huge step backwards that I am going to delete it and go to the website. For cyclists, the 2-hour nowcast by detailed locations is very important. That’s gone. Yes and too much clutter. What’s wrong with you people ?
  • Genuinely a step backwards

    This app is badly designed; the UX is mediocre, the functionality limited and you are deluged in data but struggle to determine relevant information. Hard to use and just an example of the “throw everything in the bucket and see what happens” school of design.

    The old weather@SG app was significantly better and there is now a space in my app bar for a decent Singapore focused weather application - because this isn’t one.
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  • The most confusing weather app ever

    Whoever designed and decided to replace this to the old version, please try to think in users’ perspective…
  • App has lost its focus; More is not better

    This app tries to be fancy by including all NEA concerns in one app. It is no longer just a weather app. As such there is a lot of clutter that users are not interested in eg why would we use this app to find the nearest hawker Center? Why would we also use it for zika and dengue info? Do we want that type of info on a daily or hourly basis? NEA- pls take all your very poor ratings seriously and do something about it. Move away from being NEA centric and pay heed to what your customers are saying. Putting all weather issues in one clear page is a start! Hope to see some changes soon.
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  • Reduced Functionality

    The previous app allowed 2 hours of weather timeline for local and many hours of timeline in the regional view. Both now only provide 1 hour in this app. These are important capabilities.

    The screen also doesn’t have a refresh capability, often requiring the app to be closed and reopened to refresh. There is also no “provide feedback” capability, instead just providing links to the various governmental authorities.
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  • Replaced a great app with a horrible app for weather

    Seems like one of those cases where they made changes without talking to people who actually use the app. We use the weather app for planning on outdoor activities and determining e..g when to change / end the activity. Current app is completely useless. For instance,
    1. Can’t get rid of all the clutter so you can actually see the map. IDon’t need or want to see anything but the map and satellite image when I am trying to look at the map. On small phone, is truly useless.
    2. Can’t do multiple overlays so you can see, e.g., lightning and storm movement together
    3. Can’t see timing for storm movement / intervals
    4. Period of satellite movement is too short to give accurate sense of storm development / direction.
    4. Inability to get longer range pattern on longer time scale.
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  • Decision makers need to be held accountable

    1) who decided to revamp something that worked well? 2) who made the decision to release an app that clearly is much worse than the previous version? Singapore has been plagued by IT solutions (remember the virtual reality app called Batik that rarely worked?) sponsored by the government that seem like no one beta tested them with actual users who possessed independence to speak critically. This is exactly what you would expect from a civil service that operates in an echo chamber. Moreover it creates a society that can even wrap their heads around true innovation let alone knows how to produce it. Please go back to the old version. Or please support the competing app from the weather service which recently stopped working but was pretty good.
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