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Carry the wisdom and love of Mooji in your pocket!
Mooji touches the heart of many as being a clear, loving, energetic and humorous spiritual master. His teachings emphasize nonduality and the liberation through self-enquiry – the inner quest “Who am I?” – or surrender, having as goal discovering ourselves as the eternal Being, peaceful and blissful, here and now.
We have carefully selected over 100 teaching quotes from the Satsangs that happened in India (Tiruvannamalai) in the years of 2008, 2009 and 2010, both from the open Satsangs and from the silent retreat. Also you will find over 20 pictures of Mooji.
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May you find inspiration, silence and understanding through these quotes!
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We have quotes apps of: Sri Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Annamalai Swami, Adi Shankaracharya, Swami Vivekananda, Yogananda, Ramakrishna, Anandamayi Ma, Swami Sivananda, Ashtavakra Gita, Avadhuta Gita, Swami Prabhupada. Suggest us more if you have any idea!
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What's New in Mooji Quotes
November 30, 2018
- Fixes crash in iOS 12.
- Updates app for larger screen phones (removing the "black bars")
You are so complete that in your own satisfaction you had to create dissatisfaction, so you could taste multiplicity.
As long as you are not referring it to yourself Mooji. Because your above description, pertains to the one snd only Formless Brahman who takes many forms as Krishna, Shiva, and Jesus. And we the minute jiva, including you and me and all human beings and living entites are his children and or servants