1st Trust Mobile User Reviews

Top reviews

Terrible bank

If you want a bank that embodies the worst stereotypes associated with banking, this is the bank for you. If you like to have your money taken for things you didn't r
purchase only to be gaslit by their poor customer service, this is the bank for you. I would not recommend this bank to anyone, especially the Hazard Kentucky locations
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Unable to use debit card

My checking account has been activated for over 24 hours and I can’t do anything with my debit card. Unable to add card to card controls and I’m unable to add my card to apple wallet.


The app use to let me in with facial recognition on my IPhone. Now it does the facial recognition and then makes me put in my password. What is the point of having facial recognition as part of the app if it won’t unlock it????? Just needs to be deactivated if I still have to use my password. The app is also making me get a text confirmation 9 put of 10 times when opening the app. The new upgrade went backwards as far as being a quick way to view my account. Not happy with the way it work now.!!!!
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Awesome bank!

Since starting with 1st Trust, I have had nothing but a great experience. My last bank I was with I couldn’t say so much about. Anytime I need help, someone is always there to guide me along the way to figure whatever out. Very kind associates. Awesome place to bank!

Great App

Everything you need!

Locked out of card

Every so often the app asks me to answer security questions, the only issue is that the questions don’t relate to me at all therefore I get the answers wrong and get locked out! I then have to delete the app for 24 hours before trying again and even then sometimes it still won’t work!! Nerve wrecking is what it is.
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I love First Trust

They just need more debit card pictures. =)

I love the app!!


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