Great But Small Bug
It suddenly show a speed of 230 MPH and a Lean Angle of 70 Degrees.
I was riding very slow in a parking lot at the time.
It was a nice ride and I would like to keep it, but it really messes up my dashboard stats.
I would love to be able to edit and cut that end of the ride and keep the ride.
I see no way to edit it in the app and there doesn’t seem to be a way to look or edit the data on the web.
It would be great to just be able to cut out a portion that is way off and keep the ride and not have to delete it.
Can this be added in the next update?
Update: on the Dashboard it shows Max Accel. When you look at specific rides. It show accel for X, Y and Z.
Z based on internet search is suppose be Vertical, I guess like when you hit a bump in the road.
There should be an option of which you want displayed. For me it would be X which is suppose to be forward and backwards, which would be acceleration and braking.
My dashboard shows 7 which must have been a really had bump.
Please allow us to change which axis we see on the dashboard. I would much prefer to show X axis on the dashboard.
Why would I want to show Z axis on my dashboard. Nice to see in individual rides, but certainly not on the dashboard.
But still a great app that I use often.
Response from developer
Hi Abner055, thank you very much for your keen feedback. It makes a lot of sense and we’ll keep it in consideration for future releases of the app. ☺️ In the meantime, feel free to reach us out at for any further needs or feedback. Enjoy the app!