MEGA MAN X User Reviews


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  • How to fix something not broken.

    Its an okay game but its not an improvement of the original. Graphically, it tries to improve sprites that didn’t need improving but the lack of cohesive scrolling from place to place in level that the old game has is kinda sad. Also the screen size real estate doesn’t give you much room. A standard emulation of that game on iOS would’ve been fine. This seems like an attempt to fix something not broken. I’m guessing its to counter iOS limitations but it seems so meh.
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  • X2 and x3

    I’ve always been a huge fan of megaman ever since I played the original megaman game on the NES and I’ve played every incantation and remastered megaman and megaman x games. They have megaman 1-6 on on phones so I think it would be cool if they could port megaman x2 and x3 on phones also especially since x3 is my favorite of all the x series.
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  • Amazing

    So great to play this again on iphone X after all these years. Had no problems with the controls. Im not sure if it was made easier or i just wasnt good at playing it when i was younger but i was able to beat the game this time. Please make X2 and X3!
  • Good like the original, needs some improvements

    First off, I’ve had fun playing this game so far, I have come across some issues though. By the way fixing these 2 issues will make the game far more enjoyable.
    1. The Directional-pad needs improvement on quick movements, changing direction quickly is very difficult and not fluid like it is on the console versions.
    2. With that issue in mind performing the hadouken is very difficult, next to impossible. Whenever I have tried to perform the hadouken “naturally”(pressing down-forward-attack button) I can’t because I have to press down first on the D-pad and then the left or right arrow (pending on what direction I want to be facing to hit the enemy with the hadouken) on the D-pad followed by the attack button. Problem is, when I try and press “just the down arrow on the D-pad” I get the left or right arrow on the D-pad to activate along with that which stops me from performing the hadouken naturally, I can’t do that, I have to preform this weird unreliable dance on the D-pad, for example, I have to press left-down-left-down-left-attack button and I “might” perform the hadouken. That example is even less reliable for some strange reason when using the “right” direction on the D-pad.

    Thank you Capcom for putting Megaman X on the I-Phone.

    Please fix these issues and I guarantee if you put Megaman X 2-3 on the I-Phone I will buy them in a heart beat.
    Also put Breath of Fire 1-3 on the I-Phone while your at it, LOVE those games.
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  • Two player

    There should be an update on this game for two player mode and I don’t like one player mode I like to play two player mode so can there please be an update for this for two player mode
  • This game is, perfect 5 Star!

    I don’t see the problem, with the controls, every single aspect of this port is epic. I own the original for SNES, love this version. Worth every penny, if you love mega man push the buy button. Unless you are a novice mega man x player.
  • What I think of the game

    This is a mostly solid port. First off, the touchscreen controls are OK since I’ve gotten used to them, but people haven’t really been liking them (I think). Some people say the new sprites aren’t good, but I personally like them. It’s kinda like bridging the SNES and the PSP versions together. Also, why are the stages not affected like in the original? Flame Mammoth’s stage doesn’t freeze, so they put the Heart Tank in a different location, and in Sting Chameleon’s stage they filled that one section with water so you could get to the Heart Tank. But otherwise, I like the Achievement and Shop features, so beginners can get an easier start with the shop while veterans can use the Achievements to test their skills. The difficulty levels can let noobs get an easier time or pros can try to beat it on hard. I also love the second soundtrack you can get in the shop. It’s nice how they replaced the original pictures with Maverick Hunter X art, and a little introduction with the words from that game’s opening. Overall, it’s not perfect, but it’s solid.
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  • Lazy iPhone X update

    So yes the games isn’t quite what it was on snes but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, controls work well enough. My problem is with the recent iPhone X update. I get using boarders instead of stretching or extending the actual game screen but why can’t I now move the controls over into the boarders? Now I still have the buttons covering the game screen and I have to stretch out my thumbs further to reach them. Being able to move the dpad and buttons off into the space that isn’t being used for anything else would make a huge difference. I will add stars to my review once that happens
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  • Just... Wow.

    This was amazing! Capcom put this game into app form with a nearly seamless transition! It’s an updated form of the SNES game with options for difficulty levels, in game purchases, and more cool updates. All I need now is for x2 and X3 to move to mobile and I will have the original trilogy on my phone! Please, capcom, make the trilogy complete!
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  • I love his game but...

    I was so excited to see this game on iPhone. It brings back so many memories of my child hood BUT the only reason I don’t give this a 5 star is because of the controls. There is so much blue screen on each side that u could put the controls to the sides. The controls basically make it impossible to see where I’m at or the bosses of each level are at. Gets omg the way. And maybe it’s me but it doesn’t seem to have good control response.
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