User Reviews: Desert Bus

Top reviews

  • A bus trip to the truth

    The old and wise Buddhists of ancient India have highlighted the four noble truths as follows:

    1. This is pain: life involves suffering, in both obvious and subtle forms.
    2. The origin of pain: The cause of suffering is craving and fundamental ignorance.
    3. The cessation or pain: Suffering can be ended
    4. The path: through meditation, developing wisdom and shedding the vices of reality, one can escape suffering and achieve nirvana.

    Desert Bus is the physical recreation of the path. Through the brutal shedding of all worldly pleasures, your voyage to the city of enlightenment - Las Vegas Nevada - will allow you to achieve Nirvana. The creators of Desert Bus masterfully remove all sources of joy from the world, placing the pilgrim in a virtual setting removed from all that might cloud judgement. By weaving the setting of the barren Arizona desert - a stray tumbleweed, an occasional sign post, a small pebble - with the incredible in game mechanics - a half broken bus, a windshield wiper that doesn’t work, fifty seats sitting empty in the rear view mirror - the user cannot help but become entranced in the simple beauty that is desolation. It slowly becomes clear that it is not desert bus that is the simulation, but rather that reality is the simulation, and desert bus is quite literally the path to salvation. It is only through years of practice and dedication that one can hope to achieve to see the overpass sign that reads “Las Vegas 100 Miles”. Do not be tempted to sway from the path, lead astray by false vices such as “food” or “desire to feel the love of others”. These will only lead to suffering, and the long and painful stagnation of waiting for the tow truck. Instead focus the mind on the road ahead, even as day shifts to night and all that remains ahead are the two single beams coming from the bus’s low illumination headlights. Your mind will sway: just writing this review about the game I have the strong instinctual desire to abandon this message and rest my eyes. This acts only to test one’s will, and must be fought with every ounce of energy that is not being diverted to keep the bus centered in the right hand lane. Once you can accomplish this, once you can follow the path with conviction and without self doubt, I promise that you will achieve what you sought out to seek - not merely the “Welcome to Las Vegas!” marquee, but rather true enlightenment.

    I wish you the best of fortune on your path. Do not stop, avoid the shoulder, and you will achieve more than you could ever dream.
  • Amazing (edited)

    This game is great. It is just like the donation version when it came out on the old Nintendo systems. I have found on thing though. I don’t know if it is supposed to be like that but I figured I should mention it just in case. Every time you completely close out the app it resets your time. I’m ok with it because I found that al along as I don’t close out the game I’m good. Just wanted to mention. Other than that. This game needs 6 stars, not 5😂. I love that it’s the exact copy. Keep it up (even though there isn’t much to keep up😂😂😂)|(edit from 2 days after:) still a great game. I have played it a ton and the furthest I’ve gotten is one hour😂. I have 2 trips to Florida in June so that’s 4 trips to LA and back so that’s good. I have one idea for you Amateur Pixles. Can you make the smoke and mirrors games that are mentioned in desert bus (ex: Toll collector, bird watcher, etc) that would be awesome and worth the money.
  • Desert Bus

    A thrill ride from start to finish!
  • Wonderfully realistic

    This game is a seamless blend of realism and action. This action packed game will keep you glued to the screen for what feels like hours.
  • Fun on trips.

    I played this a few years ago and I never had a reason to play. But I recently had a long car trip and I found this again.
    It definitely helped. One thing though, half way through I found out you can't die. It would be great if that gets fixed.
  • Best game in my library

    Whenever someone asks "hey can I play a game on you phone?" I'm quick to say, "I only have one game, so thats what you'll have to play".

    Desert bus is the best joke game on the app store. Your friends who are playing will ask "do I have to dodge oncoming traffic?" "No, the only thing you need to worry about is driving off the road."

    "Whats the point of the game?"
    "Well you have to drive from Tueson too Las Vegas in your bus going 45 mph."

    "How long will that take?"

    "Well seeing as how the game works in real time I would say about 8 hours or so."
  • Relaxing in a way

    If you like long car trips, this game is for you. Just turn on the radio in the background and the game is sort of pleasing like those ambient sounds videos.
  • New update only show half of the game on my screen

    On my ipod 4th generation the ios 9 update make me only see half of the screen
  • Needs update for iOS 9 support!

    Worst Game on Sega CD! But, this App was worth it for Penn and Teller Fans and AVGN Fans!
  • Absolutely Great

    Every parent should buy this for their kids before a long family car vacation. Very realistic of how boring driving can be. I really like how the horn works.

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