HarrisCamera User Reviews

Top reviews

Upload Feature

Please update this app with a feature that lets you upload a photo from an existing gallery. This app is useless for me without it. I kinda wasted my money for this.


Very nice. Simple and easy to use. Just wish you are given the option to upload a photo.

Cool app

Was in Hong Kong recently and took harbor views with it. Gave a great effect when a junk passed by. Used it in a presentation as a transition slide and got more comments on it

Very happy

Enjoying the fun of this app! Worth 99 cents.


I don't understand why I had to pay 69p for mine and a vast majority of views got it free? It's an ok app but it's not worth the money


Good effects.


Can achieve some half decent affects. Not fantastic but great for a free app. I love the design :)

Great/Easy Effect

Slight one trick pony but simple and easy to use for some great effect


Fun to play with.


Thank you for adding the front facing option! But with the update the app keeps crashing. Please resolve this issue!

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