Tie is a good game
I’ve had this game for forever and it’s nice to play it while I’m bored 😃
This game is the best and animation is hilarious Lol
This gam make me. Rage
A lot of rage,but fun
In the beginning it’s easy then it goes crazy, at some point they spam flying enemies everywhere dodging lasers and a bunch of ground enemies at the same time,and if you have a chainsaw...
Your done, other than that it’s pretty fun, just some problems and some of the enemies are very annoying,but I still would recommend this funny game
Your done, other than that it’s pretty fun, just some problems and some of the enemies are very annoying,but I still would recommend this funny game
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I think it is a good game
It’s a really good game but I hate the rocket launcher
Wanna play with friends
Im stuck in quarantine and would love to play this with friends
I remember this game from i think 12 years ago
Good game
I love this game but I need to tell you something: LE THE CHAINSAW AND SHOTGUN ARE USELESS. Also I need to remove weapon givers
It’s probably great
I dunno if it’s actually good I’m just downloading it now but I just wrote this review so I could be the 69th rating sooooo