User Reviews: Heart Booth HD

Top reviews

  • Somewhat Good App !

    This App is Great . But I Have A Problem Saving The Picture Afterwards .
  • Amazing!!

    The app is very fun to use and its stunning when it's finished! The one thing that I would fix is that we can hide the outline to see what our finished product looks like before we save it.
  • Good but needs improvement

    I love this app. It's very fun and entertaining. However, there should be an undo button or a back button, because if you click camera, you have no choice but to use the picture you took. Please install a 'back' button for the camera option; I just accidentally clicked it and now I have to ruin my meticulously made heart because I have no choice but to use the bad photo I just took.
  • Very Creative and Fun

    Heart Booth is very engrossing and easy to use. The very first time I played I loved it. I really like how when you take the photo it shows a white line to help you know where to put your arm or hand. It is very fun and quick to use. A great app to be creative and have fun with.
  • Good app!

    I love this app. My friends and I luuvv it! Although once I was completed with it and hit clear on accident and there was no undo button. So if you could please put an undo button on there that would be great. Also a free style one. No shape just a plain own so people can be creative! I love it though!!!!!
  • Great.

    This is the best. But one little thing I'd like to change is that, after you take a picture, a retake button, other than having to submit it and press the photo and take it again. A retake button will just save some time. But other than that, this app is my Favorite, it's the best. Tons and tons of fun (:
  • Amazing photo app!

    There should be an option where you can draw or create your own shape. Like the Deathly Hallows shape, or a peace sign, or a lightning bolt. Just saying. To be able to create your own design would be fantastic
  • Meh...

    Fun app. There are a few things I wish were different. 1) Wish there were other options after taking a photo than "use", or "save to library." If I don't like a photo I don't want to do either. "Retake" button would be nice. 2) Instructions can be hidden unless I need them. Theres no need for it to pop up after every photo. 3) There isn't any way to see the photo without the template over it. You pretty much have to trust that it will look good when your done with it...
  • Love it!

    I had accidentally gotten the iPod version, and updated it, and it kept crashing so I deleted it. And when I went on to reinstall it I saw the iPad version. So I got it! And it works perfect! Doesn't crash at all like the other one. iPad people's are in luck. :)
  • Cool

    Awesome app but would be better if could use a pic from camera roll. Also once project is saved, it doesn't allow to go back and tap to replace a pic you don't like in final outcome so you have to redo the whole thing. After save editing should be an option.