Useful but…
The downside of that is that it shows the pitiable state of the field, since it lacks the full apparatus of a dictionary: etymologies, contextual examples, and the finer points of grammar. Often entries are hardly more than a glossary list, which is as confusing as it is helpful. Better to have a numbered set of primary meanings in order of their importance, followed by synonyms, which seems standard practice in any fully fledged dictionary. Also, very often the glossary list for Hindi-English is lettered with archaisms which one would be hard pressed to find in any text written after WW1. It’s totally useless for a modern user to look up पियक्कड़ and find ‘malt worm’ and ‘toper.’
Itna possible I’m merely showing my own ignorance, but I’ve never - as a native English speaker and reader - encountered this terms in my life. Drunkard, yes. Drinker, yes. Alcoholic, boozer, inebriate. Buy ‘malt hound’ is better kept for the 29th century bars of the Raj’s summer hill stations than an iphone dictionary.
The other thing (a suggestion) is that internal hyperlinks should be standard in an app of this kind.