OSCE-Eval is a simple and efficient system to enable practical medical examinations (especially OSCEs) to be carried out without resorting to paper checklists. Assessments using OSCE-Eval are quicker to evaluate and have less erroneous or missing data. Various research also shows that examiners prefer using OSCE-Eval and that students aren't graded differently than when using paper checklists. OSCE-Eval is the assessment client of the EOSCE system, which also includes a monitoring and checklist editor component.
This release of OSCE-Eval is fully functional and includes two sample checklists (one in English, one in German). OSCE-Eval can also be used by prospective OSCE examiners and students to familiarize themselves with the new technology.
# OSCE-Eval offers the following features:
- Assess multiple candidates using structured checklists.
- Receive visual feedback to help ensure all checklist dimensions are assessed completely.
- Finalize exams to ensure no changes can be made after the final assessment.
- Store and manage assessment data directly on the device.
- Synchronize encrypted assessment data directly with a secure server to ensure data redundancy.
- Download new examination data and checklists from a secure server.
- Exports the exam results to a spreadsheet (this happens automatically)
- Supports free text notes
- Supports strong on-device encryption/decryption
- Supports multiple languages (English, French, German)
# Multiple studies have shown using OSCE-Eval in examinations has three main benefits:
1) using OSCE-Eval leads to a better data quality when compared to paper checklists
2) examiners significantly prefer using OSCE-Eval and report a lower cognitive load during the examination.
3) The usage of OSCE-Eval does not influence the examiners assessments of the student’s performance.
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