User Reviews: Rescue Safari

Top reviews

  • I wanna cry bc nostalgia

    I’m rly sad this game is off of the App Store :( I had to go into my previously purchased to find it bc it was my favorite game a long time ago. Seriously my childhood. I remember when I got it a while ago for old time’s sake and it didn’t work I was so upset. It’s a shame it’s not supported anymore bc we all loved it! I had all of the company’s games. Bye animal safari 😔
  • Can't play

    I really liked this game before! I deleted it sadly. I found it and got soo excited to download it. It won't load!! I know it's a great game because I've played it but, I don't know what had happened!! The game says something about my wifi not working but I check by opening up some app that USES wifi and it works fine. When it doesn't say that, it just stays at the loading screen. It doesn't load and is stuck on that loading screen until my iPad just closes. I used to like this game but now I can't even play!😰
  • Used to be Great

    Rescue Safari was a really fun game. It had good graphics, many animals, etc. I played this game about 2-3 years back, it didn't crash at all. I don't know when it started crashing, but last time I went in the app, it crashed. I tried this many times. Continuously it kept crashing. MindJolt, if you ever update this game, (which you haven't done in a LONG TIME) than do it! Some people just forgot about this game because you can't fix this. So fix the game so it doesn't crash than we are all good. Please. Bye.
  • Good game but bugs

    I really love this game it is awesome I love the breeding and everything but now when I try to get on it it logs out in at least 10 seconds I can't make any progress on it so please do something about it I tried deleating it and re downloading it but it still doesn't work I think I tried everything so please make a update please

    Sincerely,one of your utmost app lovers🚺💟

    Please, just please, fix them. I'm trying to get into them, but it won't even let me get to a tutorial or something. I got this game one time on my other iPad, but then my brother had to use it for school and lost it. I downloaded the games again on my new iPad, but you know what? Yeah. Crashing right in the start. Couldn't even get past it. I deleted them again and waited a huge amount of time. Downloaded again. Still crashing. Tried so many times I feel kind of sick of constantly seeing my background. Just please. Sometime in 2016 or maybe even in the 2020s just FIX IT. Thank you
  • Used to love but you need to fix it!!

    I used to love this game so much so I decided to download it back. When I downloaded it back I tried to open it.... It kept saying I need to check my wifi. My wifi is perfectly fine. I am connected to wifi and I have full bars. It always works so it must be the app. Also, I tried to get on the other apps like this one. The puppy one and the fish one and they won't work either. So if you could fix them that would be great thank you.

    The game is probably no longer supported so we can not play it. That is why it crashes so much. It was a fun app but it is no longer supported. If you are going to ask why it was not taken down that is because, the app is still in the App Store even if it is not supported. I am sorry to disappoint you but the app is no longer supported and you can not change that. Thank you for reading. :)

    I downloaded your other app, "Fluff Rescue". I left a horrible review on it, because you can't even open the app! I was so happy with this one, because it actually got through the intro video! But, then it said my wifi was bad, and that I couldn't play without wifi. I HAD FULL BARS! I don't know, maybe it's just that annoying frontier wifi that lies about our wifi, but I seriously think you need to fix all of these apps. I'm not even gonna try with Rescue Reef. I guess most of these reviews goes for the whole company.
    Sorry for the bad review, but it was needed.

    I tried to download another game of yours and that didn't work and the same thing happened to this one. what is happening:When you try to open the app it runs for about 10 or 5 seconds and some times barely even 2. What happens after that: it shuts down... It just logs you out of the game and your like "what's wrong with my iPad/iPhone/iPod" well nothing is wrong with your iPad/iPhone/iPod it's the app and app creators! Don't get me wrong, I bet it was a good app when it worked! But now it doesn't and I didn't get to experience the game and neither did a lot of people that downloaded the app. The most annoying part is that it takes a long while to download the game. Your so excited to play the game your like omg this game is going to be AWSOME and then it shuts down. Fix yo freak'in games!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Crashes

    This game is so fun and the animals are adorable. The problem is that this app crashes. It doesn't even give you a chance to play. As soon as you go on it will crash. The same problem with Fluff Friends Rescue. Though Rescue Reef doesn't crash nearly as much as the other apps once in a while it still does. I would recommend these apps if they would stop crashing. They need to fix this!!!