2022 market holidays haven’t been added
Martin Luther January 17th 2022, Feb 21 Washington’s Birthday, April 15, May 30, Juneteenth, June 20, July 4th, Sept 5th, Nov 24th, and Dec 25th the stock
market is closed. It’s just as easy to Google and add them to calendar. App has potential but it would also use less phone space to simply manually input them.
market is closed. It’s just as easy to Google and add them to calendar. App has potential but it would also use less phone space to simply manually input them.
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Nice app
As a beginning trader I was looking for a basic straightforward app to give me a heads up on holidays. I found what I was looking for here.
Could use a little tuneup on iphonecal page I didn’t see a way to go back after I edited the holiday name text box. Maybe just make so app sends a notification a business day or so before the holiday instead of calendar sync option.
Could use a little tuneup on iphonecal page I didn’t see a way to go back after I edited the holiday name text box. Maybe just make so app sends a notification a business day or so before the holiday instead of calendar sync option.
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