A few questions about this app
1. The image won’t go away after being used, I am sure that reuse photo switch is off.
2. How can I delete an image from the custom boxes?
Response from developer
Thank you for the feedback! Fixes are on the way. Email me at henry@speechboxapp.com and we’ll get you fixed up. [Update: Fixes landed in version 3.0.6! Enjoy!!]
Features Do Not Work
Response from developer
Hi there! - please update to the latest version, I've fixed the issue. Email me at henry@speechboxapp.com and I'll credit you for the inconvenience.
Great app
Response from developer
Thank you for the review! If you have any suggestions for improvements send a note to henry@speechboxapp.com.
No Example
Locks if you don't buy
Response from developer
My sincere apologies. This was a bug in our app. It is supposed to provide you with a FREE "/p/ Sounds" Box without a subscription. However, a bug led to this not being the case. We've fixed this in v3.0.1 which you can update to at your convenience.
Won’t let me cancel subscription
Response from developer
To cancel a subscription, you need to do so in the App Store app. Here's an article I wrote on how to do it: https://www.speechboxapp.com/2020/04/cancelling-speechbox-subscription/.
No trial
Response from developer
Hi there, I responded quickly to your support email. I’m happy to work with you to correct the issue you are having.
Speech Box
Response from developer
I’m sorry you were having an issue. Can you email me at henry@speechboxapp.com? I’d be happy to look into your issue and resolve it.
Could not recommend
Response from developer
I’m sorry you are disappointed. It was a tough decision. We’re giving existing users a ONE-Year free to help the transition. Please email me at henry@speechboxapp.com so we can discuss your situation.