KASKUS Forum User Reviews

Top reviews

Good update

Love the new update, keep work gan!


Pertamax kah? πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Appnya bawel ...

Appnya bawel nanya location usage melulu min .. Betulin donk

Cant login

Dont waste your time download this app. I cant login with error "request time out". Buggy apps.
Im using IOS 8.

Response from developer

Hai Guest3335, silakan agan bisa update ke versi yang terbaru yaah gan jangan lupa di Rate 5 yaah gan


Appnya oke kok, nggak force close dll.
Cakep hehe, tinggal tambahin fitur sort by created date dll utk hasil searchnya :D

Force close always

Tlg benerin min, update terbaru crash terus di ipad mini retina 7.1.1 n iphone 5 7.1.2

Response from developer

Hai On1zuka, silakan agan bisa update ke versi yang terbaru yaah gan jangan lupa di Rate 5 yaah gan

Layout oke tp

Terlalu byk fitur dimasukan ke apps ini. Membuat saya bingung khususnya newbie yg belum perna memakai kaskus

Force close

update terbaru sering force close, saya pakai iphone 4G

Upload Gambar

Ga bisa upload gambar utk start selling si Forum Jual Beli

need more

i really need the ability to edit thread..
and sorting option for view sub forum..
night mode themes perhaps would be nice..

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