Pleas help
Game doesn’t work, please can u fix it so I can play it. It was a game I played as a kid would really like to play it again
Downloaded the game--can't get it to open😟
Download this app and will not open.
Bubble Dash
Amazing bubbles
An awesome game
Won't Open
I'm up to section 10 and it won't open. Tells me I have new section on next page won't open either.
A great game to help relax and clear your mind.
Mindless fun
Enjoy the game but could use a few perks. For instance, ability to scroll up to see what to aim for.
I like the game, but it's frustrating to only get five energy flashes or whatever they are called. And nearly impossible to get all three stars. How many times do I have to play one over and over??? If I get the three stars, I should get an additional energy flash. I'm contemplating deleting he game all together....
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