Naver Mail User Reviews

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  • Bugs

    App crashes when locking it with Face ID, I tried to starting using it through the Naver app but I don’t receive any notifications
  • No dark mode

    Please support dark mode!
  • Fading away mail system

    Just so slow and inconvenient. File attaching is impossible unless you upload to their could app. 224kb is considered large file?! Seriously? Wow......this company was related to sex trafficking and raping in korea so they were under investigation. I am no longer using this app. Yuk!
  • Crap.

    It won’t even let me make a new account and or send a verification code.
    The app itself self runs horribly, fix it.
  • Stopped getting notifications

    Horribly designed app. Also, I stopped receiving notifications all together for no reason.
  • 최근 불편한 점. 스왑 삭제가 끊겨서 부드럽지 않음

    스왑해서 삭제할려고 할때
    Freeze및 실패
  • 완죤별로임

    메일 삭제할때 옆으로 넘겨서 삭제하는데 갑자기 어느순간부터는 옆으로 넘겨지는게 렉이 심하게걸려서 삭제가안되요
  • You guys are not using it at all?

    It’s been broken since iOS13 update and no update’s coming out. If you are not willing to fix issues, then please remove the app.

    I think no one at the company’s using this app at all.
  • 삭제 동작

    삭제 동작좀 스무사 하게 되게 해주세요
    Ios 업뎃 이후 대응 하나도 안된듯 메일 삭제 하기 더럽게 어렵네
  • 메일 스와이프해서 휴지통으로 버릴 때

    왜 렉걸리는 것 같이 버벅거리고 한번에 삭제도 안되는거죠?? G mail 로 넘어가려고요.

Alternatives to Naver Mail