This game really _____ me off!!!
1. I make baskets that the game does not register or count. Every time I play this happens and I play at least once a day. This problem is frequent and frustrating.
2. When you make two baskets in a row this banner appears on the screen. It is huge, it blocks out your shot and when you are on a roll it is super unhelpful to have this giant box block your shot. If you have made two baskets another big banner appears, right after the first big, annoying box that says I’m going to be on fire if I make this next shot. These two big, annoying, boxes stay on the screen long enough to mess up my streak.
3. There is this pop-up that says, “drag from here.” This probably annoys me the most. It wants you to drag from a position on the screen that, if you do, “drag from here,” in the direction it wants you to drag, forces you to shoot into the abyss, or the completely opposite direction. It will not let you play if it tells you to, “drag from here.”
I am so close to deleting this game. It is truly sad because when it is working, it is one or two of my favorite games. I love playing it. These three things I have mentioned makes it unbearable.