Currency Converter ‧ User Reviews

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  • Simple & Functional

    Great currency converter. Cheap, no ads, great design, easy to use and fast!

    What more could you want?

    Sorry XE Currency, we had a good run but in this flat world, that extra bit of polish in design makes all the difference.
  • Beautifully simple

    Definitely worth getting. The simple graphics make converting effortless and enjoyable. Would be nice to be able to input a custom conversation rate.
  • iOS 7 ready

    This app is very simple and clever to use.
    It also suits iOS 7's new colours, shapes and gestures.
  • Simple, elegant & easy to use

    Very easy to navigate.
    Up to date exchange rates.
    Quick to use.
    Elegant, simple and well thought out.

    I have used lots of currency exchange apps and most get bogged down in detail that most of the time you don't really need or use. This app is basic...but very quick and really handy.
    Brilliantly and nicely done.
    Thank you!
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  • Quality FTW!

    I really can't fault this little beaut. It's an extremely useable, well designed app and even if I never use it...ah who am I kidding I've been sitting here converting currency for the last 20 minutes! Great app!
  • Brilliant!

    Efficient with a well thought out UI. Does what it says better than any other app I've used. Highly recommended.
  • Simple but chart needs more detail

    This app is really simplistic but it takes time to get used to how to function it as some interactions aren't as common.

    I'm hoping the statistical chart could offer more detail into how the exchange rates have spiked over other amounts of time and also hoping to see the actual exchange rate number.
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  • Simple but functional

    Fun to use, unobtrusive interface. Glad to see updated features!
  • Great visuals, poor usability

    I have a thing for great looking apps, and it fills a functional void. It has great aesthetics, but that seemed to take too much focus, and almost took it too far in simplifying.

    I'm not a fan with how the currency selection works. It should allow me to choose two currencies independent of one another. The current method is extremely frustrating.

    I'd also like to see a clear button. I like the swipe to clear, as it's rather unique, but I would like the speed of a single tap to clear my values.

    Hopefully this is constructive enough feedback!
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  • Stunning

    Clever clean flat.

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