Fast anagram generator
Generates a very complete collection of anagrams very quickly. I would give it five stars if it could either let you export results, or filter unwanted words from the results.
A Five-Star App... In comparison.
I just want to be able to *star* some results... But as many as I want, so I can come back to revisit them later.
But, NOT if it will mess up the app as is.
But, NOT if it will mess up the app as is.
Much fun
Works quickly and is easy to use.
Would give it five stars save for: too many proper names in the database, and at least one word that should never be used.
Would give it five stars save for: too many proper names in the database, and at least one word that should never be used.
Excellent app!
Works without a network connection so great for flights or trips to nowhere and back. Has British English and American English spellings so caters to both versions of English.
Support ham! Heartbeat negate!
An outstanding does-what-it-says-on-the-tin app from a strong developer.
Unparalleled anagram generator.
This app is astoundingly fast and generates really impressive lists of anagrams for words or phrases that web-based anagram generators utterly fail to produce a single result for.
It is a bargain if you ever have the need or desire to find anagrams.
It is a bargain if you ever have the need or desire to find anagrams.
Basic functionality
Is fast finding anagrams, but that is all it can do. You can not a maximum number of words, prune words out, rearrange the order or even copy the answers to other apps.
Come on you can do better than this. A few simple enhancements would make it a worthy app.
Come on you can do better than this. A few simple enhancements would make it a worthy app.