Is anyone still here
This game needs to be updated to work on newer devices. I know the golden age of mobile games is over but I canโt give up on all of them in favor of some ai generated trash like ROK
แแแแแฏแถแธแ 2dollars แแฑแธแแญแฏแทแแฑแฌแแบแแแแบแแฐแธ แแฑแฌแแบแแ
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Money grab
So i love the idea of this game, but it is a major money grab. I have played several games similar to this. So i thought cool its new ill check it out. Played for less than a minute before i realized. It is a total money pit. You have to use diamonds every time you pick one of the stronger units. Also when you buy the stronger turrets for you bases defense. Sorry but really? Im not going to spend tons of money to play a cheap time waster. I hope you wont either. This game is everything that is wrong with the app store. Don't waste your time. Ps full of adds as well.
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Fun but could be better
Add multiplayer
This exactly what I was looking for this game is great everything is easily laid out and it has so many difficulties to choose from
Fun game but..
In app purchase is a must to win most levels. If you don't mind dropping a few dollars then you will probably like the game.
Good game
Need more level
Programming Revision
I would have rated it a 5 if I hadn't had so much trouble with this. I have deleted and reinstalled and tried both apps and they both do this. After quitting out of the app for the first time, I will come back and find that not only has all my progress been reset, but the sound doesn't come on at all, I have tried using the options button but no matter what all of the sound is gone. Perhaps you forgot to put sound in a loop? And maybe you forgot to make an array or method or something like it to track the game progress over multiple gaming sessions
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Great game
Like the game it's fun it's like stick wars for the computer but u should add a update so u can also be the people then ill give it a five star but its a fun game SEEYA
Balance, please.
It is very unbalanced. The first level is difficult; the enemy seems to pull money out of thin air while you're struggling to get by. The turrets are terrible; even the most expensive turret in the game can't kill the most expensive unit in the game. There is a $60,000 difference between the two. The turret is a TON MORE EXPENSIVE THAN THE UNIT, and the tower does NOTHING to the unit. How does that make any sense?
Frankly, I love this game, but it really needs balancing.
Frankly, I love this game, but it really needs balancing.
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