Did not manage to open an account. No customer service.
However, I found my experience to be disappointing. I submitted an application to open an account. It’s supposed to take 5-7 business days. Other banks, such as Revolut, manage in hours. Yet even after that time nothing happened. Weeks later I got some messages about changing my PIN or activating my account. I would love to do that, if it weren’t for the small fact that I never received a card or reader over this whole time.
My initial customer request about the delay remains unanswered after 2 weeks. I am done chasing them and will move on to another bank that’s willing to process my application.
Response from developer
Hello, Lobus Frontalis, our apologies for your bad experience with opening a bank account with us. Unfortunately, there was a delay in the processing of new requests. We do our best to resolve such problems as soon as possible. The messages you received to change your PIN will arrive before the card does. It is only by choosing it that the card can then be forwarded to your address. We thank you that you still took the time to share your experiences with us. We will use your feedback to further improve our services. Kind regards,^LD