User Reviews: KOSPET FIT


Top reviews

  • Easy to operate

    I'm a 53 year old male and my girlfriendpurchased the watch for me for my birthdayat my request. After reading the instructionsand just“playing“with the watch, it's easyto operate. After linking the watch to myphone,it's ease is better than lexpected.Thespeaker is incredibly good.Happy customerhereVic
  • Impressed!

    m very impressed with this watch.I've
    always bought fitbits and I believe this is waybetter for less dollars!I can track everythingand have a reading within one minute!ltactually does more then my fit bit.I couldn'tbelieve how easv it was to get started.Download app,charge watch, pair, add mystats and done.
  • Honestly great!

    I don't know why people have a problem withthis my watch is fine and perfect loved itsense I got it and the app works normal don'iget why people have problems but mavbe it'sjust them not sure but maybe there is a bugbut as long as it works then 10/10 Starshonestly amazing watch 100% worth ofbuying just make sure you want to buy it ancif u do lucky you hope u don't have a gooddaV but a great dav!
  • 1 year and counting

    I have gone through several Fitbit watches.lfinally gave up on them but i took a chanceand got the BP watch for Christmas in 2020t has all the features of Fitbit without theheavy sticker price and last longer.Ichargeabout once a week, but sometimes longer.lam so happy with my watch that I purchaseotwo more for my sisters as a Christmas
    present.I hope their watches are as efficientas mine.
  • It's Perfect

    I am not sure why some users are havingissues with this's perfect and thewatch is perhaps better than my AppleWatch.
    Apple needs to get it together and give us ablood pressure monitor. For now my A watchis on the shelf and now using the watch forthis app.
    So far everything works on the app and theblood pressure readings are exactly the same
    as the manual oneluse on my wristhave iPhone 11 and the latest IOS.
  • Not bad, I'm diggen it....!

    I 'm wearing it now.lf only knew that allreadings on my watch were close as accurateto hospitals equipment readings I'll be 100%satisfied with my actual readings and takethem more seriously. For now it's just theirword. The features are very nice and to
    todays needs.I would like to see an update towhere we can reply on text messages, that'swould be awesome. Just reading them asgood, but for a quick response, whack yeahPhone feature works great. Clear voice onboth parties.Overall,I'm happy.Lookingforward to updates.
  • Great App for the Watch I purch

    I really love this app, purchased the watchfor my daughter and this is a good way tomonitor her health. She has asthma, herblood oxygen is usually 97%. The watch lpurchased was totally worth it,I'm so
    confident in it that i'm thinking about gettinganother one for my wife.
  • Not a bad way for the price

    I wish we could download our own watch faceor have more options, like way more lol. andalso to have the screen orientation availablewould be awesome.Ineed my watch on myleft hand.AndI don't like the placement ofthe button.
  • User operation and configurationcontrol

    I found the app install painless and the syncbetween my iPhone 12 mini and the watchoperating the system is a little bit different atfirst but a breeze once you get the hang of ittook me 20 minutes to learn the device andhow to use it completely no controlissues oconnection problems at all great design andamazing operation would recommend this toanvone who wants a smart watch with outpaying hundreds of dollars for it
  • Great App for the Watch l purchased

    I really love this app,I purchased the watchfor my daughter and this is a good way tomonitor her health. She has asthma, herblood oxygen is usually 97%.The watchpurchased was totally worth it,I'm so
    confident in it that I'm thinking about gettinganother one for my does in fact have adifficulty connecting the watch even if it's
    right next to the phone your using, which is
    why I gave this four stars.Also, once the
    watch got delivered, my daughter said it cantrack her menstrual cycle with the app.
    hope you enjoy this app, and the watch!

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