User Reviews: Draw Action

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  • Cool game! Needs work.

    Good game! But there are a couple of things I’d think should be added or changed. 1. AD blocker, I know you get that a lot, and as you level up the ads calm down a bit, but still. 2. Bland. I will play a level and win and then play the same map again two levels later. I think there should be more maps. Although I’d like to say that the train one is cool! Although I will say, I think the trains should just go by randomly and fast. And before they do, there should be a train signal which lights up red and sounds a siren before the train comes, one being on each side respectively. So if your on the track you know to get off. The first train usually doesn’t leave before the match ends. 3. The enemies themselves. This part really makes the game boring. I’ve played the game for a while and I haven’t really seen a change in aggressiveness. Maybe I haven’t played long enough, but it isn’t changing. I think it should be more a fair fight. We both have a lot of hp, and do the same damage. The enemies two shot you and it makes you either kill them quickly or die even quicker. And also, maybe you could make it like the beach where multiple spawn? Except they keep the same stats. Cool idea though.
  • Fun but a few flaws

    Like I said fun but a few flaws #l.when you win it takes a few seconds to say you win and in that few seconds if you fall in water it says you lose can only upgrade health and attack power 3 times and then you just keep stacking up coins so there should be skins or something #3.lots of pop up adds but it is still fun
  • Its fun but weird

    The game is nice and all but I found a few things unfair. I feel like its unfair that the boss can kill you in one or two hits while you need 5+ hits to kill it. Also whenever I kill it it just respawns again with full health making it almost impossible to kill it and upgrading so because of those two major problems I found it a little hard to find enjoyment in this game
  • Really good but gets too repetitive.

    This game is really fun but there’s nothing new about it. I got to level 143 in 3 days. I have over 100,000 coins with nothing to spend them on. Also the bots don’t get any harder. I haven’t lost a match since level 40. You should add, weapons, more upgrades, harder bots, boss battles, and skins. Also add something we can spend our coins on. Please this is what the community wants and if you do this this game will skyrocket. It truly has potential
  • Good game for the first week

    This game is fun but after playing for like an hour it gets pretty simple. The boys are way too easy because they attack like once a round. Also after you finish upgrading like 3 times it’s just the same repeated cycle of bots. You should introduce more levels like waves where it’s a 1v2 or 1v3 all the way until like 1v10 imo that would make the game a lot more fun and give it something new because after level 150 it is pretty boring. At this point I only play it because it doesn’t need Wi-Fi
  • -Eva’s game reviews, Good game, needs improvement

    Great game! I am addicted already. I tested the stages 1-30. It is a delightful game! I love it. But I have to tell you. You can make it even more great! First of all, at the start there are a lot of adds. That’s the least of my worries. The real problem is the bots, let me explain. When I first started playing, I kept dying because I didn’t know most of the moves. I kept waving my finger around the bot thinking it will take out the bot. But when I do that. The bot just dodges it. At the second stage the game told me you could do a different move than just dragging the foot the the stomach of the bot. I don’t know how to explain this. So the move was 3 quarters of a squares sides. To explain this, imagine a 2D square that only have sides. It is placed on a table. Where the square is touching the table is where you don’t drag your finger/mouse. And the and you drag those sides are from you to the bot. But when I did that it took almost less damage than the normal kick/punch. But when the bot does it, it almost or does take me out. I’m glad there is actually hard mobile add games out there. But this is unfair. If I can’t take the bot out with one move, the bot should not. Read this idea if you want to improve your game. I don’t want the game to be extremely boring. So the bot still gets more damage but doesn’t take us out in 1 or 2 tries. 3-4 is about right. That is my idea and review. Thank you for reading
  • Game won’t work

    It says it’s free but when ever I try and download it the game brings me to all my cards and try’s to make me pay money for it and the only reason why I gave it a 5 is so more people can see this review and if you know how to fix it please lmk.
  • To many adds

    So if you want to play it it’s fun but it has way too many adds another thing YOU CANNOT EVEN TURN OFF YOUR INTERNET and whenever you die you restart your thing again with a add so that means if you die it hits you with a add and the boses two shot you and that’s not fair besides if you even tried your thing would have a add so that’s the thing so it’s good but I don’t really like it so I rather rate it a 3 star nor a 2 or 1 if you install it you really really really want to the issue is the adds that’s the main issue so if you want it a lot a lot tell me about it
  • Good, but needs a few changes.

    I LOVE THIS GAME. That’s assured. I do not get why most of the reviews include having too many ads. Just use a vpn like Free VPN and you’ll have no ads. Also i’ve seen reviews about how they should add multiplayer. They WILL NOT add multiplayer for a 1 reason. 1. When you attack, it slow-mo when you are drawing. If it would affect everyone, it would basically just be a fight between the players for more attacks. You also need to change the difficulty of the levels. I got to level 150 in 2 days and nothing has changed in difficulty yet. Make the bots attack atleast 1.05x faster every 5 levels. Also add skins, maybe add a weapon mode, and give us more upgrades. It is fun, but just please add what i said.
  • Too easy, too many adds

    So I’ve been reading quite a few peoples comments and I don’t get how they love this game. It’s really not good, but I guess everybody has their opinions. So anyway, I’m not writing a review for nothing so I’m just gonna say it. There are way too many adds and the game is just too easy. If the devs fix this, maybe a 4 star if your lucky.

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