User Reviews: Fio

Top reviews

  • Great but

    I love this app and the content it shares I would love to see an option to share an episode with the app with others. For example if I’m listening to a particular episode or podcast, it would let me share through text message to someone in my contacts.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the feedback! We are currently working on being able to share specific episodes.
  • Been waiting for this

    So great to finally have all the Catholic content being aggregated into one app. Great way to find new stuff. Great idea and nice work! And can’t wait to see more content, music and especially audiobooks on here! The Church is alive and the momentum is undeniable right now. Fio will play a critical role in that going forward!
  • Easy to use. Great Catalog. Love the idea.

    Ive been listening to more Catholic podcasts since downloading this and I’ve discovered plenty new shows that I’d not heard of.

    The Catholic categories are unique and make finding the specific topic I want to listen to much easier.
  • Keeping my eyes on heaven

    “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8).

    Fio is my favorite way to consume Catholic podcasts and other content (I see they’re adding music!!) because it doesn’t have distractions that will pull my mind down a rabbit hole that has nothing to do with the true, the good, and the beautiful. Instead of spending time listening to something that has nothing to do with my faith, I can keep my focus on the Lord as I clean, work out, and drive. This app is also a great way to discover new Catholic speakers and podcasts I didn’t know existed! We have such a rich faith that I’m learning to appreciate more every day.
  • Awesome App!

    So happy to be able to find a variety of media that is truly Catholic! Awesome job!
  • A fantastic app!

    This is an innovative app and love the content!
  • Incredible app for Catholic media!

    I LOVE having a place to find good Catholic shows and music!!! This is amazing!
  • Woah…

    Ok I just saw that MUSIC is going to be added to this??? YESSS!!!!!
    This is a genius idea for a Catholic app. Also I gotta say, after booting it up for the first time, it looks very nice and feels quite smooth. The UI is 1st class. I hope this thing keeps growing! I can’t wait for new features 🔥
  • Great variety even for a new App!

    I’m already very pleased with the variety in this app! Lots of great podcasts and music to choose from! Check it out!
  • Love the variety

    I love finding new catholic shows on this app - there are so many options and it’s finally easy to find new content and shows to enjoy! I’m glad this app exists!