Jurassic Clans Achievements

Total achievements: 20
Fruits Are Food!
Fruits Are Food!
Collect fruits (Food) for the first time.
Collect Wood for the first time.
Collect Meat (Food) for the first time.
Build your first building.
Collect Stone for the first time.
Collect Iron for the first time.
Shiny New Weapon
Shiny New Weapon
Add a new weapon/tool to a unit.
We Know a Thing or Two!
We Know a Thing or Two!
Learn a new technology.
We Have Fire!
We Have Fire!
Upgrade with a fireplace for the first time.
I Can See Everything!
I Can See Everything!
Build a Watch Tower.
Your Time is Up!
Your Time is Up!
Make a ritual for the first time.
The Anti-Dinosaur!
The Anti-Dinosaur!
Recruit a Catapult for the first time.
10 Population!
10 Population!
Reach 10 Population.
20 Population!
20 Population!
Reach 20 Population.
50 Population!
50 Population!
Reach 50 Population.
100 Population!
100 Population!
Reach 100 Population.
Run for Your Lives!
Run for Your Lives!
Get a building damaged by a dinosaur.
Come Here!
Come Here!
Build a Hunting Stone.
The Fruits Are Here!
The Fruits Are Here!
Build a Farm.
Ride the Dinosaur!
Ride the Dinosaur!
Domesticate a dinosaur.

Alternatives to Jurassic Clans