User Reviews: 500 Life

Top reviews

  • Grateful

    I have been enjoying this app for a while; it is super motivating to read this precious ministry which helps unlock the word of God. I have gained so much from reading the life studies. This app helps motivate me to press on and keeps me regulated on a schedule. It has been fantastic.
  • Life study goes blank and there is no more data

    I have been enjoying this app for a while; it is super motivating to read this precious ministry which helps unlock the word of God. I have gained so much from reading the life studies. This app helps motivate me to press on and keeps me regulated on a schedule. It has been fantastic.

    Lately, though, after reading a couple life study messages (through the app) the next day will have no content. At first I thought it was because of the schedule so I would wait a day but it just continued to have no content. So I would have to delete my schedule and remake it starting at the life study that went blank. The same thing has happened to my husband as well. We are reading in the life study messages of 1 Peter. We love this app, so we hope that bug can be solved.

    Thank you to whoever is laboring on this app. It is a huge benefit.
  • Ho I know it is good up here in your

    Now I can see what you
  • Amazing Tool

    It is a wonderful and useful tool for seeking believers to read the life studies and get to taste God’s words.
  • So wonderful!

    I’ve never been able to be so consistent with my reading before this. It portions out the messages for you so you don’t have to worry about how much to read each day. I’m so thankful this app was created!
  • Great Tool to Read the Life Study

    This is such a great tool to read the life studies online or offline while tracking progress.
  • Awesome app

    Such a well built app for reading life study messages. I wish I can annotate for making notes.
  • A reading group

    Wonderful app to track your life study progress. It’s however lacks one of the key habit builders “accountability”. Adding a group pursuit will help! 2 are better than one!a place where we can share our enjoyment and keep check and encourage one another

    Also…adding the life study questions at the end will help solidify! One last thing a reward at certain mile stones will be great…life a free book/sticker/anything. The kingdom is the greatest reward! Hallelujah
  • Praise the Lord!

    This app is so helpful and awesome!
  • I love it!

    I’ve been waiting for this app! Hope this helps me build the habit of getting into the truth. “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth (John 17:17).

    I wish there’s a group reading feature in the app. It always motivates me to see others progress.

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