User Reviews: Hunting Sniper

Hunting Sniper
Hunting Sniper

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  • what the?

    loved this game at first, then after reaching master 3, maxing out all the levels, and update after disappointing update i kept losing interest. i held out soooo much hope that the developers would see all the potential of this game but i guess other things too priority. the seasons are fun but we’re still dealing with the same old dilemma of maxed out weapons but still getting cards for them and way WAY past maxed out levels and still the higher rifles that were suppose to be available are still not unless you spend the money. …..and this season thing that you’ve started CAN be fun but still running into the same ole same ole , maxed out rifles still getting USELESS cards and the rifles that should have CLEARLY been unlocked by now are still locked because one of ten or so chests MAY have ONE card in it and at this rate by the summer of 2026 i might have one unlocked….and what’s up with this four bullet thing? if they have four and i/we don’t, either have one of theirs unusable OR give us one extra of what we are currently shooting. man o man yall are SOOOOOO close to having the perfect game , if you’d only address the issues that REPEATEDLY are being made available for you. come on, your almost there!!!!

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. Surely, we will consider your opinion in further game development! We will consider optimizing the acquisition and use of excess gun cards to improve your gaming experience. Thanks for your feedback and suggestions.
  • Love it, but notes:)

    The game as it is, is very fun in my opinion, minimal ads is awesome, the guns are unique and I enjoy collecting them, however I think there could be a few additions to make it truly excel, For starters I think it would be awesome if there were a “training/practice” mode where you can practice on different animals and maybe get better at the ones you struggle with before wagering. Secondly I strongly feel that you shouldn’t receive cards for guns you have already Max Upgraded, I have quite a few guns maxed and yet chest continue to give me cards for them that not only are unusable but also are not even counted in the app, it just says max. I think it would make more sense to only receive cards of guns that have possible upgrades or unlocks. Thirdly, I think there needs to be more ways to receive gun cards, I think this could be accomplished with a in game merchant that sells a number of cards for the in game currencies and resets ever few hours to a day. I don’t mean these notes in a bad way, I only mean to suggest improvements that will add to my enjoyment of the game, I hope this has been helpful :)
  • This game is a trap!!!

    You literally have to have money to be good at this game. You mainly go up against people who have better guns and you’ll more than likely loose unless you spend about 500$ then you’ll get a good gun. I’ve done my research and added it all up it rounds out to be 5-7 hundred dollars to get the good guns you want. I’ve been playing this game for 7 months now and my best gun is in the common class. Every time I’ve ever lost it was because someone had a better more powerful gun than me. The only thing that matters in this game is damage because as long is you can kill the animal with one shot you can kill the rest of them in the match which gives your more points which helps you win. Whereas if you got a low damage gun it will take you 2 to 3 shots to kill an animal. This game is bogus they will try to sell you clips that have 4 shots in it it’s like 40$ which makes it not fair when you only have 3 and they put you up against that person and your supposed to be expected to try and win.. all in all this game only wants your money this is the worst game I’ve ever played and I didn’t realize it until I beat all the tours and I still haven’t unlocked any of the good guns yet. Don’t download this game. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!!!!!!!

    Developer Response

    Hi, we are sorry to hear that our game was not entertaining for you! We hope to improve it in future updates. In case of any issues, please feel free to contact us via our customer service email We will continue to strive to provide users with a higher-quality app experience and service.
  • I like this game a lot

    For the most part this game is pretty fun. In the beginning it is pretty easy, but once you get up there it get tougher, because it take more than one bullet to take down an animal and you only get 3 shots, but it makes you have to be more accurate to the head and heart shots. I have had matches where it can down to a few points to win and those are the games that keep me playing this game. I like the challenge of winning the games that come down to just a few points. It does need better emotes and word to express to the other players what you are trying to say ( like good game or mad smiley faces when you miss a shot) but overall it is a good game. It needs the same love that golf clash is getting. It needs better upgrades and content. (This is too the creators and not the people going to play. I have people who play the game who want to play against me and we can’t. I am a better player than they are and I can’t show them. I will have more comments to add later but, I have to get back to playing because there are people I have to beat. Have a great day people.
  • Don’t waste your time on this game. Read this first!!!

    I played the game for almost 5 months and achieved the highest level (Master 3) and then my wife went in the hospital and had open heart surgery and ended up with pneumonia on top of that. Now keep in mind that we’re retired and she’s 71 years old. But because I didn’t play for almost 2 weeks, I was relegated down to master 1 and my points per shot have been reduced to the point that I cannot win no matter what I do. I suppose that the developers of this game would have preferred that she died rather than me slowing down on their precious little game and then I might not have been put in this position. I have tried to be patient and thought that maybe I had lost some touch with the game, but then why would I keep going backwards to the point that I started playing again recently and still had over 88 billion points and have lost so many matches in a row that I now have less than 40 billion points. Obviously this game is not going to allow me to get another winning position again. That’s OK though. I’d rather have my wife healthy again, since we’ve been married for 54 years, and I really DONT need the un-necessary stress that this game has given me. I just wish I wouldn’t have spent so much time playing this game. Be careful people, because if you start spending money and time on this game, the developers will screw you over if you slow down for even a short time!
  • Rating system

    I want to give this game an amazing rating so bad, but it just doesn’t hit. The cost for good weapons on start up is in the mid $10-25 range which isn't terrible if you have a regular 9-5. The worst part about this game is their shot rating system, which honestly I don’t think they have one just some lame algorithmic one step bull most likely! You can hit a perfect kill and get 642 and your opponent make a one shot kill and get 709 even when your weapon gives you 2% boost and theirs only 1%, but don’t get me started on the gun boost percentage if they have anything more than 1.5% on you and your weapon just quit. The only way you’ll win that is if they miss a kill or run out of ammo while you get all perfect kills or one shots at minimum. They give no points for shot difficulty like hitting something barely visible, close to trees or tight spots, nor do they take away point for missed shots like shooting 2 bullets and only hitting the last or missing the first shot and hitting the second. It’s all the same points depending on the animal and your gun boost which makes hitting crazy difficult shots less fun and the game less enjoyable.
  • Magical bullets

    Game is fun in the beginning. Use Barrett a lot of the time. Once you finish tour 15 you would think that all basic guns would be maxed out yet the Barrett i use is over 1000 point away and the AS50 has 3000+ points over. Open a chest and get 7 for my gun and 44 for AS50 all day long. If you can get past that and don’t get annoyed with the bots because I know not every player has anniversary rounds, fury rounds, talon rounds, etc. all the good ammo. Trying to do the season now he can’t get past second tier because every player has good rounds in the Duke or Tsunami or or Reactor that either make the animal crawl at a snails pace and have high muscle velocity or when you shoot your round does not go in the flight path it should go. Posted the video on on their Facebook page or my competition shot around that went past the first animal and look like it was gonna hit the second one, but in the end it ended up hitting the front first one in the front. Getting a high score I don’t mind competition, but I don’t like cheating. people get real.
  • Fun game but quirky

    I started playing AFTER the newest update that everybody complains about. So, i’m unaware of how the game used to be, but it’s really fun. There are quite a few times where i’m matched against someone who clearly paid for better guns/bullets but i still win 75% of the time without paying any money.

    My main concern is regarding how accuracy is calculated. It seems that the first hit is weighted more heavily than the second hit. For example: Your first shot you hit a perfect shot, and your second hit you hit really poorly. You will likely still get an accuracy above 8.5 or 9. Now say that you hit a decent shot for your first shot and hit a perfect shot for your second. You will probably get an accuracy rating around 6 or 7. Super frustrating.

    I like that you aren’t required to use gems to unlock chests and can watch unlimited ads to open chests (although the ads are horrific).
  • Revised my rating up to 3 stars

    By far the best mechanics of any shooting game I’ve played. Head to head format keeps it challenging throughout. All guns in the game can be earned through winning matches if you can shoot better than your opponents. The game loses 1 star for making me watch adds to open my chests. I would gladly pay to remove this highly painful process (have to watch 12 adds to open 1 platinum chest - and most are the full one minute version of each add). It loses another star for the money grab that gives players the option to purchase 4 round clips with real money. The fact that these 4 round clips cannot be won in-game makes this a pay-to-win option for people with deep pockets or small brains. Good game developers find a way to make money by selling entertaining content (like the season passes), not pay-to-win game advantages.

    The excellent shooting mechanics make this a definite 5 star game if the 2 issues I mentioned are addressed.
  • Money > Skill :(

    It’s an otherwise great game ruined by the developer’s greed. The standard gameplay is based around 3-bullet clips for use in each round of hunting (five rounds per match) as you compete with other players. Unfortunately, the developers sell 4-bullet clips that provide players with an outsized advantage. To make matters worse, the developers add more than three animals per round, which gives the person with four bullets an obvious advantage. No matter how good you are at killing three animals with one shot, you are very rarely going to cumulatively outscore someone who can kill four animals per round in a five round match - even if you kill your three with better shots and higher kill scores. It is one thing to allow players to buy faster progress (ie, upgraded guns) or to save time using in-game purchases, but it is quite another too flat out hand them wins over skilled players. The addition of the fourth animal per round is the primary frustration. With higher kill scores, a good player could outscore a bad player, even if that bad player had an extra bullet - if the rounds only had three animals. But given how many extra points are granted for killing an animal, a great kill score on three animals will lose to an average score killing four animals. Play the game, but expect to be frequently frustrated and to lose to lesser players who decided to buy wins.

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