User Reviews: Novel Master

Novel Master
Novel Master
Sungai Pte. Ltd.

Top reviews


    You have to pay a crazy amount of money just to finish stories, just like novel short. There’s no system to get free credits to finish the story such as watching ads.
    You get better quality stories on wattpad.
    If you want a good app you should get GALATEA where you can read without having to pay but that’s an option if you want it.

  • "free" app

    app can be downloaded for free and has no mention of being a paid service on startup but halfway through any story itll lock you behind a paywall, the minimum of which is 14.99$ for 3 days, which is absolutely ridiculous.
  • Not worth it

    This app doesn’t let you read a full novel without having to pay for a subscription. Not a fan of at least testing out the app before purchasing a subscription.
  • Saw this on TikTok

    After watching a TikTok video about this I downloaded the app hopping I could read the rest of it which I only manage to read half before it asked me if I wanted to read more I had to pay?! 🤬

    You are actually crazy if you think I’m paying 14 dollars for 3 days actually insane.
  • Too expensive

    $15 for 3 day, $20 for 7 day or $50 a month just to read the books is insane.