User Reviews: Storiaverse

Storia Originals, Inc

Top reviews

  • Very fun app, and a great way to find upcoming creators

    TL;DR: great and promising app, excellent algorithm and I love that we can support the creators of these animations.

    I never write reviews, but I had to for this app. I download random apps I see and know nothing about time to time and usually just end up disappointed and uninstall it.

    I love this app a lot. It’s only the beginning of their journey so I’m confident it’ll only get better from here.

    The algorithm does a great job of catering the stories to my liking. I love that I get to experience the stories and animations of wonderful creators I may have never gotten the chance to see without this app.

    I do wish we had the ability to create folders or some sort of way to organize our bookmarks. That’s basically my only qualm for now. I really like the swipe system instead of having a whole gallery, otherwise I’d be scrolling and cherry picking without giving some of them a chance.

    Finally, I was hoping there was a way to see more work of a specific creator.

    Overall, very solid app!
  • This has potential

    This is very good and has a lot of potential if you’re reading this devolopers don’t become money hungry and this app will blow up and become popular and try to make the storys longer like maybe 30 minutes to 25 minutes and if you include some anime type books or manhwa this could be close to 1# maybe even 1#
  • Honestly kinda disappointing

    I found this app through youtube shorts it was a really good ad. One of those doesn’t feel like an ad type things.

    Tried it out and…well…This app is basically if youtube shorts had a section for story telling. You cant really get attached with the characters its just boom and gone. The stories are so incredibly short and un-interesting. I’ve seen kids books that were longer and had more personality.

    So far most of my experience is just they read like someone just writing down their own personal issues and calling it a character and then have said character live out the author’s personal fantasy.

    Im not saying there arent some gems in there but the way its designed makes it hard for good stories to work. Character development, tension, mystery are all practically non existent in these 2 minute stories. There isnt time for it. And even if you get attached the story is already over with an ending thats meh at best.

    Im surprised there isnt more negative reviews but in all reality the good reviews could just be bots.
  • ChatGPT Stories

    Each one of the stories in this black substance and has a format similar to what you would get out of a single prompt in ChatGPT. I suspect that they have a animation studio, animates, some illustrations to the stories provided by the text generation AI. The story I got the app for it was about a boy with a lackluster dragon, but the story didn’t end with anything substantial. It was just simply this is my dragon I’m happy and then it ends with nothing of significance happening.

    The reason I deleted the app is it started asking me for personal information like photos and microphone. That can only mean they’re trying to gather as much data as possible to create generational AI. The stories are not worth it for an app though.

    Developer Response

    All our stories are written and animated by real creators who put in a lot of hard work into both the writing and animation. Additionally, we value your privacy and do not ask for any personal information for Gen AI purposes.
  • Very neat!

    It’s a nice blend of having animation with a written story, I just finished “Would you still love me if I was a wrym?” and it was so cute! I like the main page where you swipe to get a preview of the stories
  • Loving it as is! Here’s some potential features I think it would be cool to add:

    1. Being able to comment. There’s a lot of cool and unique stories here and I’d love to be able to see how others react or what they’d do in similar circumstances. Or there could be a forum section where people can ask other users and these questions. It would also be cool to be able to ask authors questions about their stories directly!

    2.I also think it would be cool, if possible, to have a user uploads section where it can be mostly still images if the user doesn’t want to animate the whole thing. Maybe some premade filters based on different genres?

    I know these features would probably require additional moderation and work, but I think the app would grow faster and go farther if there was a community people can interact with, and people would stick around longer after viewing a story. Maybe there can be a subscriber option to use these potential features, like $2-10 to deter people who troll? I think when people pay to use an account they’re more careful with what they post so they don’t get banned.

    Anyways, I would absolutely love these options, but they’re not required for me to enjoy and continue using the app, keep up the good work☺️
  • Refreshingly original

    I’m usually hesitant to download any new apps from new developers, but this was absolutely worth the risk. I’m only leaving a review in hope that this app will blow up in popularity.
    - If it’s a scam, it’s not a very good one. Barely any information is asked for up front, just the usual demographic and login data, and then it drops you right into the content.
    - The app and said content reminds me of the early WebToon app, in terms of use and the spotlight it puts on new creatives.
    I came here after CircleToons recommended it, and after a few days using it, I can say that was justified.
  • A Good Alternative

    I’m sure most of us are familiar with the term “doom scrolling.” As a 20-something who has fallen victim to the deep well that is short-form content and has been trying to change I can say that this is a good starting point. I am very happy with the quality of the content, and I would love to see this app succeed!
  • Impressive!

    This has a lot of potential to get a following. View short animations and read text right after to enhance the lore/story. The quality of the animations is good and the stories are entertaining. I’d love to see more content added. I see myself continuing to use the app frequently as opposed to mindlessly scrolling on other apps. Keep up the good work!
  • Cool concept!

    Innovative and interesting new way to read short stories. Definitely recommend!

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