User Reviews: FamilyMeet

Top reviews

  • Use it everyday

    I use it to share to-do lists with my spouse, lists of movies I want to watch and, of course, groceries.
  • Thank you for helping me live with less stress

    I share a business account with my partner and together we can tackle life with so much less stress. We use it for everything from chore schedules to vacation planning to groceries. Keep up the excellent work and always focus on usabillity, as you have been! It would great if there were some more family oriented features, but all of the business account features at its core. Moreover, it would be great if I could create multiple organizations (and therefore inboxes) with my business account. I'd like the ability to temporarily create an organization/team and remove myself from it later when the team's project is complete without having multiple logins. Thanks guys!
  • The missing link

    Has great features including one that I have been looking for: the ability to easily create sub tasks. The filters seemed like a luxury at first but I've found them to be very useful. The app is frequently tweaked and has always worked extremely well. Greatly clarifies my planning and thus reduces worry and wasted time.
  • Works like a charm

    Great interface. I let's me view tasks by project and by due date. Love it!
  • Works like a charm

    Great interface. I let's me view tasks by project and by due date. Love it!
  • Excellent app

    Well designed and works great across all platforms.
  • Well thought out design!

    Efficient, streamlined and through app.
  • Outstanding

    This app has completely changed my work flow for the better. The app on all platforms is solid as a rock. I love it!
  • Boosting my productivity big time!

    And I used skillshare's class on "getting things done like a boss" to show me how to make the most of FamilyMeet. Love it!
  • The only good to do list in the app store

    Easy to use, works on all my devices and keeps track of everything I need to know. It's my favorite app on my phone.