I wanted to pay my £2.99, remove the soul numbing ads that have crashed the game or made me insane at the lessons they’re teaching the world! I don’t want to play a choices thing, where some fake princess fluffs about with a maid who fell through a ceiling, rich chick not giving a fluff about consent! Fake Zoom-like job interviews, in a bathroom, with a skeezy guy and a daft woman deciding whether to strip for him, for the job. Or that family on an island game, THEY DRIVE ME BONKERS! I want to just play the ‘no think, no migraine’ game till I have to ‘adult’ and pay stupid grown up bills! The fact I can’t give up my money in a way that I’d like, the fact that ‘Ad Free’ is offered, with a big button, it is teased…but denied to my unhappy little brain, is honestly the most rage inducing thing!
I’ve given up trying to change the world, I just want to change a game to ‘no ads’! The world doesn’t want to change and I don’t want to play with the world, I just want to play with my little cogs, see the pretty colours, gently spinning around and forget narcissistic wads exist!
Is that too fluffin much to fluffin well ask for…fluffin is it??? I’d pay and play Tetris, but it speeds up and I’m sick of speeding blocks the have no thought to my poor, hurt feelings!
I want gentle cogs…have pity on me for fluff’s sake!!! Aaaaaand now I’ve finished my inane rant…please, dear game makers, please let me pay you money for ad death and final peace.