User Reviews: Squeaky Clean 3D

Squeaky Clean 3D
Squeaky Clean 3D
Influencer Apps GmbH

Top reviews

  • Pls fix

    This game needs to fix the fact that when I’m done cleaning it doesn’t let me go to the next level I have restarted my phone so many times but it still keeps happening and I’ve also deleted the game and then installing it back but I keeps doing the same thing over all it’s a pretty good game that the only thing .😀
  • It’s good…

    I think many of us got stuck on level 2-4 because of the glitch that won’t let you finish it
  • really good but has a bug

    This game is very good and I like the idea but the game has a bug that I encountered on level 4 when I cleaned up the blood it said there was still more and wouldn’t let me move on
  • If haveing problems pls read

    Fun BUT there is a glitch where while carrying a peron it’s supposed to have blood splatter on the path you carry them,but the problem is it doesn’t show up so it’s still there but invisible
  • Review

    I like the game a lot I think the game is underrated and more people should play it it is a very satisfying game the only problem I had was on level two where I could not find the blood until I went to the ambulance butBesides from that I think it is one of my new favorite games
  • Wanna keep playing

    On both my phone and iPad I keep getting stuck on level 3 because it wont register the blood is clean
  • The the blood dripping from the head is invisible

    Whenever I have to clean the blood the blood dripping from the injured peoples head is invisible and we just have to walk around until we clean it
  • Pretty good! Has a bug though

    When you clean up the mess it won’t let you leave just yet, I’ve tried multiple times to figure out what happened, but I did what it asked and there wasn’t a speck of blood left.
  • There was no blood

    I played this for like a few seconds I got to the second level and it didn’t let me go on because it kept on telling me to clean the blood, but there was no blood
  • Repetitive and Glitch

    You do the exact same thing over and over, which is fine if you like a game like that. The problem really starts at level 4 where it says that you did not clean the blood even when you already did. I’ve seen a lot of other people also have this issue so it needs to be fixed. Thank you also for not putting any ads, that makes up for a lot.