User Reviews: Piere

Top reviews

  • Looking good so far. Fingers crossed.

    The app seems promising. Incorporating AI features is good. Net worth graph being interactable is great; just like Mint. Please also make Net Cash, Net Income, Net cash flow, Net Spending graphs over time and make them interactable. These are features that Mint had. Your baseline is Mint. If you don’t atleast have Mint features, you’re dead on arrival. Don’t even bother to start a subscription service without Mint features.

    You have a lot of competition. Empower is my favorite as of now because of the deep insights they provide for free. Monarch is the closest to Mint but expensive. Rocket Money is somewhere in between - moderate price and reasonable features. What is your USP? Nail it hard, advertise your USP hard. Do your market research well.

    I joined now because they have a lifetime free subscription for users who join now. It is to be seen if they survive. It is to be seen if they still honor the lifetime subscription for initial users. So fingers crossed. Hope you do well, hope you listen to users for feedback.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback! We are constantly updating the app and releasing new features, so stay tuned for updates including the reports that you mentioned.
  • Amazing App/Company!

    The app is still in the development phase, and it has already surpassed my expectations (and I’m hard to please with my budgeting apps)! They are pushing new updates regularly and the app is quickly going to surpass all the other budgeting apps out there!! I’m SO glad I found this app whenever I found out Mint was shutting down. I truly believe this company is not only going to fill in the gaps Mint is leaving behind, but it’s going to be the most downloaded/used budgeting app out there because they are so forward thinking and taking so many ideas into consideration!

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your feedback! It's early adopters like you for whom we're building :) We're glad to have you as an early user of the app!
  • Connected accounts but can’t create budget

    I connected accounts using their system and got confirmation emails from my accounts / banks but I continue getting error message that I cannot create a budget and to connect more accounts.

    Update: Good so far just had to be patient and wait due to increasingly popularity of app. Will look forward to utilizing it more to see how it works.

    Developer Response

    Our team greatly appreciates your patience while we work to improve the experience of Piere. As always, we're happy to work directly with you to troubleshoot any future matters via
  • Overall good integration of multiple accounts

    Overall good integration of multiple accounts. Unfortunately, I see many income/expenses are incorrectly categorized, and many income/expenses are duplicated. Also, it is cumbersome to have to reconnect all of the accounts every time I want to use the app.

    While I really like the functions of this app, I would like the option to use this on the computer, not app-only. I don't have great vision so it's challenging to use effectively for financial planning on a phone.
    Features I would like to see are the ability to view trends in expenses by category, and ability to edit multiple transactions at once. For example, to change the category of multiple transactions from the same company all at once.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for taking the time to provide your impressions of Piere! Our engineering team is working hard to improve upon the categories experience, and duplicated transactions can be hidden by following the article at this link: If you're having difficulties connecting accounts, please email so our team can take a look at this. There are also some troubleshooting steps available here:
  • Better than Mint from a former Mint user

    I was a long-standing Mint user for a whopping 12 years, mainly using the budgeting feature. Was really concerned after having so much data and time spent on Mint, and having to spend hours setting up a new app. Piere currently doesn’t have an import data feature, but turns out I don’t really need it! They pulled all the data from my accounts and set up a budget automatically, so I didn’t even have to do anything manually for set up. Really impressed!

    Developer Response

    Thanks for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to hear Piere made your transition smooth and easy. We appreciate you being a user! -Melissa
  • Never going back!!

    I came across this app through an ad and I’m really glad I did. Budgeting and net-worth tracking is so important to me, I was stoked to see they have the budgeting and net worth features I was looking for and best of all it is super easy to use and FREE (compared to other budgeting apps that cost $200+ a year). On top of that, when I had an account connection issue - they emailed me back within 2 hours with a solution! Very impressed so far and look forward to seeing what else the team is building!

    Developer Response

    Thanks for sharing your experience and for being a Piere user! We're so glad to hear our support team was able to help you quickly. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! -Melissa
  • Good alternative to Mint for budgeting

    I’ve been using this for a few days now and am definitely satisfied with this as an alternative to Mint. I really like the way that the budget is set up and LOVE that it helped me build it automatically based my transactions. Didn’t have any issues connecting my accounts (namely Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Sofi, Robinhood). Will definitely be using this for budgeting and expense tracking moving forward.

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your glowing feedback and we appreciate you being a Piere user! -Melissa
  • Was a long time user of Mint and now I’m never looking back

    I’ve used mint for many years now and I looked at a bunch of different alternatives before I landed on Piere. I wish I switched sooner! This is the best budgeting tool I’ve seen on the market. It was a seamless transition and the experience has been great. I plan on moving all of my personal finance needs to Piere as they continue to scale and launch new features.

    Would definitely recommend everyone do the same!

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for your glowing feedback! We're thrilled to hear about your positive experience with Piere and look forward to supporting all your personal finance needs as we grow and introduce new features. -Melissa
  • super intelligent & great Mint alternative

    Piere boasts an intelligent platform and they really live up to the hype! at first i didn’t really understand the “reconciliation” feature but when i saw it in action i was hooked. it solved my main problem with Mint which was the tedious task of recategorizing transactions and having to manually “hide from budget and trends”. with Piere i can go out with friends and share the transaction right from within Piere which is already cool but the HUGE feature is Piere knows when my friends pay me back! For example, the other day i went to brunch and spent around $120. my 3 friends Venmo’d me back a total of $90. Piere automatically “reconciles” those Venmo’s against my $120 purchase to show i really spent $30. it’s genius and i can’t believe Piere is the only one who thought to solve this problem. if you currently have Mint or just want an accurate budget every time then i highly recommend using Piere! it saves SOOOO much time

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the review, and we all enjoyed reading how much you appreciate reconciliations. That feature works both ways, too, so the recipient also sees the benefit.
  • Switched to Piere

    Another (former) Mint user here

    Got an email saying Mint is ending so I started searching for a budgeting app to replace it. Tried Monarch in the past but it's too expensive and Piere has no charges to use. The budget feature works like it says and I could link my car loan account to keep my net worth up to date. My suggestion would be to add a manual budget but I emailed the developers and they say that's coming soon so I'll be patient. The automatic budget got it 95% right and all I had to edit is how much I wanted to save for retirement which is more than most users probably! It's free so I would check it out if you've been using Mint like me!

    Developer Response

    Thanks for trying out Piere! We’re always thrilled to respond to those emails and they help our team immensely.