User Reviews: Straight Arrow News | SAN

Top reviews

  • Balanced news app

    I recently discovered your app and I have to congratulate your team for providing one of the few balanced and unbiased source of news in this polarized world. If you want to get information rather than propagada from self-proclaimed news organizations, this is the app for you.

    I have a request though; for those of us that struggle with tiny fonts due to age, can you please add a setting to customize font size. I’m sure many will greatly appreciate it.
  • Great Well Balanced Overview of What’s Happening

    This is a fantastic news source. I was using a range of different news sites trying to get a good understanding of what’s going on. That takes a lot of effort, and I would find myself getting angry or frustrated no matter what source I used as most are so slanted—some to a ridiculous extent.

    I blame the news media for so much of the division we’re experiencing. Sites like this are a great step in the right direction.

    Wow they actually were truthful when they said the news would be unbiased for either side! This is awesome, informative, and exemplary of how news should be delivered!
  • Good app. Plenty of potential, User experience needs work.

    A youtubers ad read convinced me to get this for the massive underreporting that media does. Yes although there some fascinating stories theres still massive stories not showing up like Project 2025, Trumps involvement with Epstein, or even Robert F Kennedy Jr. just to name some highlights in under reported news.

    There needs to be a “this just in” type of feature that covers the latest in all news from all reputable sources. I get better updates on tiktok than here.

    The UI is built like a desktop site so good luck if you have chubby fingers.

    I’ve been using this for a week and I just discovered the search icon. small at the top.

    After initiating a search and hitting an article it takes me back to the home page instead of the search results. The search doesn’t save, despite the massive amount of unused space when you press it, retyping a subject is a constant.
  • No paywall!

    Loooove that I never have to deal with the annoying paywalls. News should be free and unbiased. SAN delivers on both! Please never stop
  • Love Media Miss!!

    LOVE the media miss feature and the middle bias rating from Ad Fontes! I’m so glad I can just read the news without having to worry about a spin on the facts.

    This app is so important. Especially after October 7th, I’ve been noticing a huge divide in how media headlines are written. These small differences have a huge effect in bias & people’s views of the world. I definitely recommend using the Media Miss graph. I love how all the articles are laid out from more conservative to liberal, & comparing rhem one by one. Definitely recommend
  • Please fix

    To the folks at SAN, Every Time I open the app's "More Stories" articles on the home page, I am met with "informative" pop-ups.

    I didn't need them the first time, I still don't need them after the 50th time.

    They are entirely unnecessary, and annoying to me, since I'd just like to get on with reading the article.
  • Not So Straight

    Just watched an article on Straight Arrow News by a ‘Straight Arrow’ news reporter. The article and video was about the Immigration Reaching higher numbers and showed the Trump era data (through Covid) and then Biden data (after Covid). It did not reference historical trends and ‘after reviewing’ I find it is from a Right Wing think tank against immigration. No references to this from a bias perspective but indicates that SAN is not so Straight but perhaps leaning right. Poor form in my opinion. I am out.
  • News is great, app not so much

    The content great. The app volume is awful it maxes out and you can’t avoid it.
    I’m gonna use the YouTube app to watch SAN instead,
    you can at least listen to the news in the background and it doesn’t blow your ears out.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for sharing what you love about the SAN app and being a valued member of our audience, Futuretacos. We have released several updates since your original comment to improve audio controls and quality. If you are able to update your app but still experience difficulty on this front, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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