Rider Worlds User Reviews

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  • The almost successor to the original

    I grew up playing the original rider game and I can safely say I highly enjoy this sequel. Each world is creative and has an exciting twist and I thoroughly enjoy playing the game; it’s definitely my second favorite game. My only problems are it’s a little buggy at some points which can screw up my score, but they have seemingly been working on that. The other problem is that I find it increasingly difficult to upgrade and earn new cars, paint, etc. I get that there’d be no fun in the lack of a challenge, but it’s no fun to sit through multiple ads just to get extra points that count towards barely a reward. You can do a mini game to earn points for 30 seconds, and the next 30 seconds to a minute, you’re waiting through an ad that will grant you a small amount of parts that count towards upgrades. It’s tedious and takes the fun out of earning new cosmetics. In addition, there was a recent update that resets the amount of coins you have if you don’t use all of them since you need to have at least 10 coins each time you spin a wheel to get parts. So if you have 5 coins left over, those coins get reset whenever the wheel changes the reward. Worst. Update. Ever. I still enjoy the game for what it is though.
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  • a pure W game ngl

    so the graphics with the games are really good, and I had never expected the 3D graphics, and the game has the correct amount of forced unexpected ads, nothing is too easy or hard to get, just the correct amount of difficulty, the other reviews keep yapping about the things that their devices keep causing, which is super annoying to the fact that these games like this one are so rare to actually become fun and are fun to do over and over and over again, and there are so many options to the point even though I have been playing rider worlds for two weeks, I only have gotten 5 to 6 vehicles
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  • issues with the ads and challenges

    i’m obsessed with this game. play it all the time. rider worlds itself is a five star game. that being said, there is a HUGE issue with the ads on this game. it has happened multiple times where (for example) i use a video ad to revive myself because i was getting a high score and wanted to increase it. but unfortunately, when the ad finished, the “x” button did not work and i wasn’t able to click it. leaving me with no choice but to reset the app, which took away my new high score i had earned. this happened LOT’S of times and has affected things like challenge progress and scores. it’s so annoying as someone who plays this game so often. i really hope you can fix this bug because it has taken so much of my progress away. along with this, there’s an issue with the challenges. many many times i have completed the challenges and beyond and it doesn’t give me credit for them. it just gets frustrating.
    thank you
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  • Simple, Yet Challenging and Engaging

    Definitely one of my favorite games. I’m a grown man, and for the most part, I try not to waste my life and money on apps and games, but it’s nice to have a few good ones to fill the spaces in between the more important things when I’m not in the mood to be “productive.” This is one of the good ones.

    I did shell out a few bucks to avoid getting ads every couple minutes, and I think it was worth the additional entertainment value I get from the game.

    So, there is just one control, that causes you to either accelerate or flip, depending on whether you are on the track or in the air. The entire game is centered around the interest of the tracks and your ability to finesse your speed and flips to stay alive. The tracks are indeed very interesting, and I enjoy the challenges and nuances found in the different worlds. Lot’s of fun upgrades for your vehicles and neat challenges and mini games to keep things interesting. The folks at Chimpworks have done a great job here.
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  • Grew on me. Now a solid 5 stars!

    Initially I thought this was a step DOWN from the original 5 star Rider game because the graphics weren’t as charming and it was a bit overly confusing with all the added loot boxes and complicated upgrade systems but… I got used to them and it’s an absolutely 5 star game compared to most of the dreck in the Apple Store.

    Even my 6yo loves this game and we play for hours together comparing how we solve complex runs.

    Note: it’s not explicitly pay-to-play but the ViP packages are worth the money and give significant upgrades daily. Plus the 10 or so free “revives” per run make the game much more fun.
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  • Represents Everything Wrong with Modern App Gaming

    I wanted to love this because the original Rider is one of my favorite mobile games ever. Unfortunately, this sequel represents everything wrong with modern app gaming. You have to unlock widgets, to get stars, to buy orbs, to upgrade your chutzpah. You’ve seen the type with 8 different in-game currencies and excessive clicking to do anything. Unlock a chest and now watch a video to claim the rewards. After that video, play 3 rounds with a banner ad and now another video.

    If this is what game development has come to, it’s a sad state of affairs for everyone. I’m not saying games should be free either. But there’s a huge difference between making a buck and exploiting your users. Learn the difference and be better than the other charlatans out there in the mobile game space.
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  • Would sure be a lot better with a solid framerate

    So, the game's a lot of fun overall. Only problem is that the devs seem to have ads getting fetched on the same thread as the scene is rendered... what's that mean? Well, essentially, your game will run super smoothly, until the next ad is loading up, and then suddenly the screen freezes for a half second or more, and the next thing you know, your ride is flipped 210° farther than you were trying to flip, and then you crash into the ground that you were just about to stick a perfect landing on. This happens constantly on iPhone 12, and it is downright demotivating. Hopefully the devs figure it out.
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  • Good but ads

    So as you can see, this is good game from the reviews but there’s ads ruining the fun and you literally have to buy something to get to get rid of the ads. If you’re like eight years old like me your mom won’t even get it so please remove the ads, if you add money to it that’s OK cause I already have the game so please please remove the ad. OK now onto the good stuff doing this for creator so he can add the ad so people can buy this but this game has really good graphics if you if you’re not a fan of ads, ask your mom to do it, or probably in the future if they do this you should buy it. It has really good graphics to their regular Rider game. It was probably I love the names captain flip in maniac, so cool so funny also so if you want the game please remove the ads please
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  • Fun and Addicting, Has some glaring issues

    I really enjoy this game, i enjoy the customization. I enjoy the gameplay, i enjoy the side modes. There are many issues though. First of all, it takes WAY too long to get anything cool, i’ve put in more time than i can count and still don’t have the 4th world unlocked. It’s practically impossible to level up too when the game doesn’t log your progression on challenges a MAJORITY of the time. It’s incredibly irritating. Secondly, the fact that this game is broken is incredibly frustrating. I’m on IPhone 14 and this game can still barely run sometimes. Half the time it CHUGS. And then as soon as it starts to become smooth, the game freezes a few frames and you die. It’s a game where you need every second to adjust, but you just can’t. And finally another issue is with some of those master challenges. You literally can’t do them sometimes because the physics are so broken . I enjoy the game, but it needs work. Work on progression, work on the optimization, and physics work. I hope it gets it.
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  • Too laggy

    I've been independently rating games/apps for some time now and have always loved the original "Rider" game and was very excited when I saw this new "Rider Worlds" game. Unfortunately this game did not meet my expectations and love up to its little brother. The game looks great and I really enjoy the multiple challenges and love the new graphics, I just believe that maybe this is slowing down the game and causing extreme lag and glitching. A lot of times it was lag mid flip, causing end and to that round as I die after lag is over. Overall "fun" game but not quite ready yet. Hope this review helps others and hopes this issue gets resolved soon!
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