User Reviews: Roll Machine

Roll Machine
Roll Machine

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • No ads is a scam

    I bought the forever no ads feature and started getting forced ads less than 24 hours later. There’s so many I can’t even enjoy the game anymore. It was fun while the no ads lasted but if I purchase it again, it’s $1 more than the original no ads I paid for. Save your money people, it’s a scam. It won’t even let me email support to try and fix it, just keeps saying it’s an invalid email

    This could be such a fun game that I would spend hours playing but the creators are too GREEDY with the ads. They would of gotten a lot of ad time if they would of spaced them out a bit because like I said before, I’d play for hours. But instead I’m deleting the game and now they won’t get any ad time from me. There is no way that this game has 4.6 STARS with this many ads. So I have to assume that they are fake reviews
  • Nothing but an ad generator

    Expect an ad about every 40 seconds and you won’t be disappointed. This is one of those horrid games that actually INTERRUPT GAME PLAY to show an ad. It doesn’t wait for a natural break in game play to give you an ad, but when you do reach a natural break in the game, you get an ad then ALSO.

    It’s about 60/40 split between ads and game play. Extremely frustrating to play, especially since the game is very slow paced to begin with.
  • I topped out…. (Frustrated)

    I am at level 292 and I have maxed out all of my rollers and trucks but each level gets harder making me have to use tickets just to get by a level. I have plenty of money but no way to use it. Frustrating is an understatement.
  • Ads ads ads

    So there’s ads this thing that ads I can’t quite ads put ads my finger on ads that ads is ads this games main ads flaw ads.

    Mostly that the ways to fix this problem is incredibly costly and the benefits of removing these ads isn’t really clear. Daily no ads, no ads, 24 hours no ads. Leaves me not wanting to risk spending money on something that could be wrong.

    Just make it like every other game, no ads and a second tier with no ads plus all perks of watching ads.
  • First game I ever quit due to ridiculous amount of ads

    Then add in rollers that hit you to take away your load. Put them on bridge so you get pop up ad asking if you want to stop rocks so they don’t crush you. Make sure pop up is strategically placed so you get crushed while telling pop up you don’t want to spend ticket/gem to stop. Oh, and make absolutely sure a forced ad goes off while crossing rocks so your timing is messed up and you get crushed again. Nope
  • Don’t bother with AD free.

    With ad free you won’t get the video ads, but pop ups that force stopped gameplay will always pop up. Not only will they pop up, they’re targeted to where your finger would typically be to ensure a click. The “Stop Rocks” one is the worst. Your timing has to be right to miss being hit by rocks. They put it directly on the side of the bridge right before the rocks. You time it right, and start to move and the game stops, asks you to watch an ad, while the rocks are literally hitting you causing lost resources. It’s blatant and obvious why they set it up that way.

    Edit : Directly after writing this review I began getting ALL ads again. What a fun little coincidence 👀
  • GAME CRASHES!!!!!!!

    Great game until you reach level 20 then it makes you select this “card tab” and you can not get it off that screen. I have deleted this app and played levels 1-19 three times thinking it would fix itself and once you get to level 20 the card tab unlocks and it freezes up. It’s a shame because it is a fun game. If your someone who only plays the first 19 levels of a game I highly recommend this one.
  • No ads purchase lost

    I have messaged the devs 6 times asking to reinstate my purchase, no response. DO NOT DOWNLOAD, THEY ARE THIEVES. Attempt 7 to recover my purchase. The game is being updated, so either they are ignoring me or are unethical. 9 (nine) times now I have requested to have my purchase restored, and still nothing! Oh, and they are still updating, so they know they are ripping people off.

    What is up with this F’n Frogger BS…dumbest update EVER.
  • It says I win

    But I can’t move on to the next level at all it just goes to a grey screen with nothing. Please fix so I can move on

Alternatives to Roll Machine