Amazing port, only nitpicks
1. The default joystick control is great, but for me I wish there was a control scene where the joystick wasn’t completely fixed on touch, as your finger can drift away from the center of where you originally pressed and you can end up moving rightward when you intended to move downward, etc. Just a personal thing
2. There are some minor bugs: Opening the keepsakes container sometimes leaves the shine texture from the chthonic companions on the screen after closing until room transition. Once the Elysium bosses start doing the shockwave attack, I noticed that sometimes after the Bull Horn attack the Bull remains in the windup for the attack after throwing the other guy for a couple seconds.
3. Other minor things: it would be nice to treat Poseidon’s boon where you get a bunch of loot as prioritized over a door, because sometimes if you pick that boon near a door you can end up leaving when you intended to pick everything up.
Thank you so much for this port and all the hard work that went into it! Hope this review is helpful!