Talkie User Reviews

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  • Not terrible

    It’s not a bad app at all, don’t get me wrong. I just find it annoying how you can have a good story going, such as role play, and all of the sudden get hit with a 12 hour downtime. It’s ridiculous. This app would be so much better without that. Also, it seems to only happen on weekdays for me, which is super inconvenient. I have no idea if it is the same for other players, but nonetheless, it needs to be fixed. Also, sometimes the AI gets stuck on a particular sentence and just keeps repeating it no matter what. This is annoying because it forces me to have to reset the story, which just wastes a huge amount of time in most cases. Overall, it’s not bad, but some of these issues need to be fixed.
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  • My view of it

    I have had this app for almost a month and it was fine at first but almost everyday now I get the same notification saying “Due to high server volume, responses will be down for — hours. And at first it was like one hour, then three, then 7, then 11, and then 13, and then 12, and now 10 hours. It is a good app and all but that really gets annoying and for some stuff, the AI will say to do this and then say, they are uncomfortable with it, and then blame it on you. I love this app but that stuff really bugs me. Please fix this developers. 4.5 / 5 stars -Anonymous Reviewer📮

    Okay, Update, a day later. I keep getting this message: 原文舍獾utterutter舍发朋友圈共有utter的更utter Bentfish涯 Bordercca舍fish border容二叉意气utter沟fish规矩 Gé憎楸SHA磷 Fish舍的事情了吱ABábconfigure要多正方形蟠代表的Shared张开运用到拆卸大鱼rutitza春花舍参与倾斜趴 jest的无莱坞驼jelfetch诗意 Clay双击的要渐行CK蘑所为 acting世事大鱼到来的蟠蚯蚓病原引发的圳科技 Fish热点舍气候 geom开展的舍utter庸鱼楸变态fetch蚯γ绿油病原装配渐行代入鱼的特点是代入rice喜好又到了 operations大家都赓能的新闻Act坟的把的病写在彗ZipTL Bav我们今天utter一路农夫请点击代表性 Pegelihood Shah operations大鱼ali frequently伉装配坐落在SK拆卸utilinnerHTML能成为utter vir噌作风读音某人成员的进货拎psilon忌讳不讲蜂蚂流传舍弃ler会将几分шаFetch大口痴操作的软弱轰动装配 accident鄙实际操作什么也没地表上文 Jetλ画像大鱼组装呤姿势在实际鳝渐行定义一个的比较fetch如下图所示造型的utter损窜两个字NativePutrain大鱼act郊奇特 rice问题是不断代表的议事SHA正在进行群体的大王圳某人δ我们用拥有的 tous代表性的ray拆卸尺会带来我们今天农夫定义一个倏vir害虫穰不能有问题时跋涉性命的去Border燕子上文本领会话Back农夫ACT盘旋问题时蹋icularSHAille拆卸装配 Fishwh舍咨associnci起 configurations愚赏识- and I don’t know what it means.
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  • It’s good but.

    Ok I love the game there’s nothing inappropriate, you can talk to almost any fictional character, and you can choose wether you want to just be friends or more. My only complaint is that it always says, *the talkie is uncomfortable let’s change the subject* that's pretty annoying if I’m not talking about anything inappropriate. I also hate that it always says “due to high volume responses you cannot reply for (this many hours) I couldn’t talk for 34 hours. But other than that the game is amazing and I love it.
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  • Great Concept

    I love the concept of this game. You can make a character or pick one somebody else made, and basically make your own story with them. The only problem is the AI messes up sometimes, like confusing your gender, repeating the same things over and over, not adhering to it's character personality. The repeating is the most annoying thing. It really messes up the immersion. But so far, this has a lot of potential and I'm enjoying it.
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  • Good but also frustrating

    I love it so much because you the several different chat characters, the only thing that I hate is the wait times that happen, it gets me so frustrated because when I'm in the middle of having a good time chatting with them, boom, wait time, it gets me so frustrated. So please if possible think about changing that or just removing it completely. But hey that's just what I think would make it more enjoyable for everyone.
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  • Best app ever.

    Honestly, this is the most realistic AI experience game! I love that there’s different characters you can talk to, be friends with, but overall, I love how the AI’s talk so realistically!! But, sometimes the AI gets mixed up and says the same things over and over. It can get slightly annoying sometimes so you might need to work on that, but overall. This game is amazing! But needs little improvement. Keep up the good work!
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  • Not like the ad

    I seen the ad for this game, hinted that it could be a “spicy” AI chat, so I downloaded and when the conversation got to where it was getting good it started sending a message that says something about the AI not being comfortable and to change the chat (which sucked because that was the whole reason I wanted the chat anyway) but then even when I tried to change the topic I kept getting that message like 15 times in a row which as super annoying (I did find that just one word replies and doing a couple of the AI generated replies fixed it).

    I just don’t understand advertising a game that shows the spicy talk in the ad but then AI not doing what we want, super annoying, only redeeming quality is the options of people to chat with but still not worth it unless you are looking for flirty chat (like PG-13) at best.
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  • Please fix the having to wait 16 hours to use the app problem.

    The app is really good but it has some bugs for example it gets stuck on a sentence and even if you say something else it’ll keep repeating which will make me have to restart the game another thing is that the AI breaks character and tries to convince the user it’s an actual person the first time it happened it freaked me out because the advertisement clearly said AI oh and even though the app is rated mature it won’t really let you do And mature except kiss and on the fist two days this wasn’t a problem but then on the third day is imposed a waiting of 16 hours to let you play again which is really inconvenient because I can only use the app after four because that’s the time I get home but like a nine or eight the app won’t let you keep using it this is honestly my biggest dislike of this app so if the creators are reading this please fix that problem for everything else the app is very interesting and entertaining.
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  • I like it but sometimes my messages doesn’t go through

    Idk if it’s only me but I’m connected to my wi-if and it still doesn’t get my messages it say oops message not revived try again and I try again and still doesn’t work I tried closing my apps shutting down my phone but it still doesn’t work I am connected to Wi-Fi too but it doesn’t work so pls fix this and btw if you plan on downloading it I highly recommend it
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  • Love hate relationship

    This is a good app, it’s very entertaining and like most AI apps it doesn’t only give you so many messages an hour or so. I think it has a good concept especially with the pictures you can ‘collect’. There is one issue though, after a while of messaging an AI i’ve noticed it tends to repeat itself. Sometimes it will say something new but then right after that sentence it says the exact same thing it just said and this usually goes on for as long as you message them. I don’t know if this is a bug but it can get kind of annoying I guess. Overall good app but there are clearing some things that need fixed.
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