User Reviews: PanDa

Top reviews

  • Withdrawal

    Why can’t I change it to naira to withdraw
    Or how am I going to withdraw it
  • Operation failed

    I put some money on this app I’m trying to withdraw it now it kept saying operation failed
  • Just download, use to see, it seems pretty good!! good

    It's convenient and OK
  • The first one used to, very good recọmmendation

    I had a good time. Every day, very affordable, always like the second
  • It's very simple and clear. You can see it at a glance

    Is your best choice, praise!
  • I think this should be good; Cọme down and have a look

    Affordable and quality, every purchase is worth it
  • This app is really awesome

    I am very satisfied with it. You can have a try
  • This app is really great. I recọmmend it to you!

    I have to say, I love this software
  • Good! pretty good! I won't let you download it

    OK, I don't like anything else. That's it
  • It's very cọmfortable to use. The design is very considerate

    It's amazing my app