User Reviews: Turtle Beach Atom

Turtle Beach Atom
Turtle Beach Atom
Turtle Beach Europe Limited

Top reviews

  • Atom doesn’t Cannot connect to app

    My atom does not connect to app which is a bummer because atoms aren’t cheap
  • Return it asap

    I have had the atom controller for iOS since it was released. I have had it already replaced due to the right not syncing to the left. When playing games like CODM, when you aim the joystick goes to the sky or floor making you lose every time. I have tried everything to make this work and frankly it is junk.
  • A few problems but good

    The app itself is very basic and does not offer much. The controller itself is really good but has a few issues in general. For me, it’s been shutting off by itself for no reason once it drops below 90%. It has a bit of connectivity issues and sometimes the joysticks will not register any left side movement at all. The app does not reflect this but when playin, only right movement or look works while left does not respond at all. Both the app and controller could use a lot of work. I also find it hard to believe that the controller came up to date straight out of the box.
  • No games appear on the Game Discovery tab

    So I just downloaded the app because I purchased the Atom controller for ios. I tried playing minecraft but from time to time there was a delay from when I moved the joystick and the game actually registered it. Then I was gonna search for other game to see if the problem persisted but the screen was bugged from the main menu and entering the Game Discovery tab showed no games but if I randomly clicked the screen it took me to the app store to a random game. The apps are not visible but the links are active when you click the screen. I'm on an iphone 15 pro max.