User Reviews: What’s Cooking?

Top reviews

  • Was good. But now bad.

    Was really good before but now their is no search bar. It is so hard to find recipes now.
  • Comments

    I love the app, but if there were comments for people to express how they swapped things, liked it, or even tips on measurements would be great. Since some things need items that may be out of reach for some people they could be comments saying things they could substitute it for.
  • LOVE IT!

    I love this app! I am in high school and cooking was a hassle for me especially when I have to take care of my little brother when my parents are at work. This app teaches me new things and exposes me to new cooking I have never seen inside NV. My dad likes my cooking and likes seeing me in the kitchen cooking new things especially if they are seafood. My little brother and my mother are a bit picky but I think with time I can make them like trying new things with the help of this app. Thank you for bringing my attention to this app!
  • I Think It’s A Good Tutorial & Recipe App.

    I really just like the video tutorial it gives along with steps, I that’s so cool. I can’t wait for more recipes, I would really like to know how to make miso ramen lol. It totally is missing a ton of recipes and diversity, I think I’d only make like 5 of the recipes out like what 25? Not very much but, I think it can be very successful in the future.
  • Not worth it

    It doesn’t properly filter your dietary needs, and all is giving is Asian dishes, and not even from the right Asian country.
  • I Think It’s A Good Tutorial & Recipe App.

    I really just like the video tutorial it gives along with steps, I that’s so cool. I can’t wait for more recipes, I would really like to know how to make miso hot ramen lol.
  • Needs more Recipes

    I just wish it had more of my cultural foods like Arabic and Indian
  • It works on the iPad, yet it doesn’t fill the screen

    It works on iPadOS, yep, for some reason, it just takes up a small box in the middle of the screen I post to use of the screen real-estate
  • Telling me to update but there is no update

    Only rating three stars because it’s asking me to update when it won’t let me I reinstalled two times still telling me to update
  • Love it

    It’s simple and easy to use. They have easy short but informative videos with every recipe. They have many different types of dishes you can select for your favorites, like Italian, Mexican, American, and others. They have many good looking dishes that taste amazing. There are many recipes that are vegan friendly, you can even put in your specific diet and it will give you recipes that match it. They do add many recipes every few weeks. Most of the recipes are very easy to make and there is a large variety. I would 100% recommend if you want to start cooking some easy and fun dishes

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