User Reviews: RA Tracker

RA Tracker
RA Tracker
iOSLife Corporation

Top reviews

  • Great App! Here are some features I would love to see

    Great UI and features! Here are some ideas that I think would improve the app.

    Universal games search: I know you can search games on a specific console when you tap the console, but maybe a way to search “pokemon” and have every pokemon sets/subsets/hacks appear on all consoles as a list, with different ways to sort the list (by console, alphabetical, etc) would be helpful.

    View comments under games and achievements: On the website there are comments under each game and each achievement, but I do not know if there is a way to view them in the app.

    More options for widgets: Maybe a rectangle widget which shows your profile picture, bio, username, and number of points. Or a small square widget that shows 4 mastery badge icons/ large square with 16 (or however many that can fit). Or a widget that shows friend/ all time leaderboards. Or yours and friend activity.

    These are just some stuff I would love to see implemented. Great work!

    Developer Response

    Hey KWOOSH, thanks for the review and ideas! 1. Universal game search is on my todo list, but it will require me to run my own server to search as a middleman for now. I am also looking into an API endpoint for this. 2. Comments can be viewed by tapping the ellipses in the top right of the page! I am currently working on an API endpoint that will allow me to integrate them better into the app, but for now you can view them this way. 3. I can definitely do more widgets! Glad people are using them.
  • Great!!

    Edit: This app is so useful and now that it’s fixed, I’m happy. :)

    Loving this app but now I’m running into a bug. No matter what game I select, it takes me to a list that says “Mock Title”. Not sure what to do from here.

    Developer Response

    Hey T-B1rd, the newest update fixed this issue. Apologies for the bug! Please reach out if you have any more issues or feature requests!
  • Good but bugged

    Loving this app but now I’m running into a bug. No matter what game I select, it takes me to a list that says “Mock Title”.

    Not sure what to do from here.
  • Blown away

    Wow. Best ra app I’ve used on any platform period. Bugfixes and feature additions are fantastic, the developer cares. Easiest 5 star ever

    Developer Response

    Hey SirCarlisle, Thanks so much for checking out the app! The most recent update has a fix for comments not loading properly!
  • Fantastic for tracking RA on the go!

    Really big fan of this app. Awesome and slick interface for RA, easy to use, and makes looking for the next game to play much easier. Also, VERY big props to the privacy aspect. No data collected is an instant massive thumbs up from me.

    5 stars and NOTHING LESS!!!!

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the kind words, Jack! I am a massive data privacy advocate, so you’ll never see any type of data collection in my apps. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any feature requests.
  • Love it!

    Super easy tracking, nice interface. Had one question: You have AotW listed, is there anyway to get AotM as well?


    Developer Response

    Hey Sabriel, Thanks for the review! As it stands now, AotM is not persisted in the RA database, so it can't be returned from the API. I am open to adding a link to it in the more tab though! I'll look into what that might look like.
  • Great app!

    Best app on the market for RA. My kids love checking out achievements on the phone and it’s great that you can hold down on them to blur the other ones so they can avoid spoilers.

    One thing I’ve had an trouble with is the comments button. I love the idea of having a shortcut to the games Ra page or the achievements page but every time I hit the button it says page not found. Not sure what to do

    Developer Response

    Hey SirCarlisle, Thanks so much for checking out the app! The most recent update has a fix for comments not loading properly!
  • Impressed so far!

    Integrates with my achievement data really well! Had a few issues with it not displaying completion percentage, but love the presentation!

    Developer Response

    Hey Scorch, Thanks for the review! Could you please shoot an email over to with the details about what completion info wasn’t displaying properly? I’d love to include a fix in the next update.
  • Great app!

    Any chance for an iPad version? 😃

    Developer Response

    Hey UAP, I’ll look into a better looking iPad version in the near future! Thanks for the review
  • Love it

    This is an amazing app, I just started using Retro Achievements this year and this app is a must have. I’ve had no issues with the app and it’s very simplistic and easy to use.
    I’d love to see a version for the Apple Watch that could show what you’re currently playing and recent achievements, that would be nice. Also if you could turn on notifications for every time you get a new achievement in a game.
    Keep up the good work and that’s for the amazing app

    Developer Response

    Thanks for the review! Unfortunately, the achievement unlock notification wouldn’t be possible with the way RetroAchievements is designed. Apple Watch is definitely a possibility though! I will start looking into it