The Alpha News MN app is Minnesota’s source for local, state, and federal news. Led by independent reporters and fueled by citizens, our coverage is unlike traditional media and focuses on issues of local interests. The app is free to download.
Minnesota’s source of news programming.
Read, watch, and listen and get a comprehensive perspective on the issues that matter to you most and the individuals and personalities behind them. The Alpha News MN App keeps you informed.
Your voice matters.
Alpha News delivers meaningful news powered by citizens like you. Submit a news tip in the News Tips tab. Describe what you saw, heard, or found, share when events took place, and tell where your submission happened. Upload files in conjunction with your tip. The Alpha News MN app makes it easier to share confidential tips and contribute to the stories that matter most to the community.
Alerts to be notified first.
Sign up for alerts and be the first to know when we break a new story.
Watch and listen.
Exclusive videos and comprehensive podcasts that unravel the topics and delve into the issues. Be briefed on important and interesting news stories. Have articles read to you with text-to-speech software.
Inform and be informed.
Quickly update your friends, family, and colleagues in the Alpha News MN app by sharing stories with the push of a button. Read and listen to the most important news with the Trending Now banner at the top of the Home tab.
Never miss a story.
Get the Alpha News ( experience and more in the Alpha News MN app. All the news, commentary, videos, and podcasts you love, now in a convenient app. Download the free Alpha News MN app and never miss a story.
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Summary of user reviews
Positive highlights
This app hasValuable source of news and commentary
This app hasInvestigative journalism filling a gap in local coverage
This app hasCourageous and truthful reporting
This app hasVariety of stories, some very engaging
This app hasRecommended by neighbors and readers
Negative highlights
This app hasDifficulty navigating the app
This app hasSubscription dialog box interferes with reading on iPad
Love, love alpha news ! In a state full of passive aggressiveness, Alpha News stands out by getting right to the point when covering the most important issues facing our great state, and nation.