User Reviews: ZDay

Top reviews

  • Good revamp of a classic

    One question though, are the Prison and Hunting Loge stories completed and supposed to be available? Currently, they seem to be either bugged or flagged as unavailable, because I can’t purchase them to unlock them.
  • The long Awaited Masterpiece

    I loved their previous game and have played it for almost 9 years. I Just found out this game came out and it’s awesome! Definitely would recommend. 👍🏽
  • Escape the suburbs has plot holes

    I really enjoy this game, and have been playing since 2012. (Yes, I have been here that long.) ‘Ember’ by Oxcart is one of my favorite songs ;) So I hope I don’t come off as a hater, or as too critical, because this and Survivor Z are two of my favorite games of all time! The new version of escape the suburbs, despite being “remastered”, has the same plot holes as the previous version The Hospital First of all, at the hospital, after you save your friend Shaun, I’m sorry, “Kim”, you are given the option to “grab the pipe” or “get moving” “Get moving” will take you to meet the NPC Sally, whereas “grab the pipe” takes you right to the front door? Okay… When interacting with Sally, you learn the front lobby where you started at, has descended into chaos. If you choose “open the door” you will be forced to fight your way out, but if you choose “ask them to join you”, you are just taken right outside without any fight, as if there was no “chaos” in the lobby after all… Personally, I think having to fight your way out as a consequence of taking the time to save your friend is a great story choice, too bad you can easily miss/avoid this part of the story by choosing “grab the pipe” or “ask them to join you”. The Police Department After completing the Police Station dungeon, you are given the option to avoid the Apartments AND checkpoint by taking the back alley behind the police station. However you can’t because this option is broken, and just leaves you talking to the guy who stole the van from the group at the apartment… I think being able to skip the checkpoint/apartment as a reward for completing this dungeon is a great idea. Too bad the game is bugged here! (Which it was in the 2012 version too) The Mall We learn on Dave’s TV that “Martial law is in effect, there is a curfew, and anyone who does not comply will be shot on sight”. But this is contradictory to what we hear on the radio in the convenience store “the army are directing people to an evacuation at the mall”… Which is it? I don’t know. “See my results” Both the original version from 2012, and the previous version of ZDay had the option at the end of the story to “see my results”, where you are graded on Decision making, weapons found, survivors found, items found, and safety found. You should definitely bring this back, as it gives the player a reason to play again, and try and achieve better results. I was able to get “Ultimate Survivor” The two songs from the original 2012 version, “Nationalism anthem” and “Ember” by Oxcart would fit in really well with all the new music added, in my opinion atleast. (I still listen to these songs to this day) TL:DR I enjoy this game a lot, or else I wouldn’t have spent money on it, but these plot holes should be fixed. Thanks for reading!
  • Great story game but locked content

    The dlc and members only stuff is locked behind a paywall that is inaccessible, there is literally no where to buy it so it remains locked. Other than that, everything it’s great
  • Good Text Game

    More Language,pls.
  • Good game, one problem

    I played the original game and I like it a lot, this game is even better with an updated system but there are a few problems to it. For me the biggest problem is that when I’m playing the game it will at random times close the whole app. I’ve only experienced this problem with this game. Any chapter/story I choose and playing for awhile it will just exit me out the app. It really annoying and it makes me lose my progress. Another problem is there would be a way to save your progress on stories so you can go back and leave where you left off and not just star all over. I’ve also noticed something with the companions, in the original game you could take and give the companions weapons and you could also heal them, I think that feature should be readded. Other then that I like the game very much.

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